

interface Tinman.Terrain.Util.ICurve

Derived from


Extended by

Curve abstract

Base interface for classes that represent a curve that interpolates through a sequence of control points.

A curve has zero or more control points, which may be added with the Add* methods and cleared with Clear. Each control point has a required position value and an optional tangent value. Each value is a tuple with 1 to 4 components. By replicating control points, the curve can be further adjusted (see Replicate). Control point information may be queried with Count, Range, HasTangents and GetAt. Interpolation of points (1D through 4D) along the curve is performed by the Compute* methods. With Length, WalkIndex and WalkDistance, spatial information about the curve is exposed. Regarding WalkDistance and WalkIndex, the following holds true:

A,B := control point indices within valid range

WalkIndex(A, WalkDistance(A, B)) ~= B
WalkIndex(B, WalkDistance(B, A)) ~= A

(only almost equal because of numeric algorithm)

WalkDistance(A, B) = -WalkDistance(B, A)

Walking along a curve is implemented with a recursive numeric algorithm and may involve significant floating-point calculations. Computing the walk distance between integral control point indices will use an internal cache of walk distance values and thus reduces to a simple lookup-table query.

Public / Methods


4 overloads

public method Add1 → (1)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.

public method Add2 → (2)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.

public method Add3 → (3)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

pz in : float64

Z-coordinate (position) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.

public method Add4 → (4)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

pz in : float64

Z-coordinate (position) of the control point.

pw in : float64

W-coordinate (position) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.


4 overloads

public method Add21 → (2)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tx in : float64

X-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.

public method Add22 → (4)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tx in : float64

X-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

ty in : float64

Y-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.

public method Add23 → (6)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tx in : float64

X-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

ty in : float64

Y-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

pz in : float64

Z-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tz in : float64

Z-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.

public method Add24 → (8)

px in : float64

X-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tx in : float64

X-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

py in : float64

Y-coordinate (position) of the control point.

ty in : float64

Y-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

pz in : float64

Z-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tz in : float64

Z-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

pw in : float64

W-coordinate (position) of the control point.

tw in : float64

W-coordinate (tangent) of the control point.

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.


public method Clear → ()

returns → ICurve


Removes all control points from this curve.


public method Compute1D → (1)

index in : float64

The control point index.

returns → float64

The computed point or Maths.NanD if the curve has no control points.

Computes a 1D point along this curve.


public method Compute2D → (1)

index in : float64

The control point index.

returns → Vec2D

The computed point or Vec2D.Undefined if the curve has no control points.

Computes a 2D point along this curve.


public method Compute3D → (1)

index in : float64

The control point index.

returns → Vec3D

The computed point or Vec3D.Undefined if the curve has no control points.

Computes a 3D point along this curve.


public method Compute4D → (1)

index in : float64

The control point index.

returns → Vec4D

The computed point or Vec4D.Undefined if the curve has no control points.

Computes a 4D point along this curve.


public method GetAt → (2)

index in : int32

The control point index.

which opt : int32 = 0

Chooses the control point value:
< 0 : the incoming tangent value,
= 0 : the position value,
> 0 : the outgoing tangent value.

returns → Vec4D

The control point.

Returns a control point.


public method WalkDistance → (2)

start in : float64

The start control point index. Will be clamped to Range.

end in : float64

The end control point index. Will be clamped to Range.

returns → float64

The walk distance from start in to end in along the curve, using Compute3D for distance computations.

Computes the walk distance from the given start control point to the given end control point.

See also



public method WalkIndex → (2)

index in : float64

The index of the control point where to start walking.

distance in : float64

The distance to walk from the given control point. Positive distance values increase the control point index, negative distance values decrease it.

returns → float64

The resulting control point index.

Walks along this curve for the given distance in, starting at the given control point.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Continuity → (get)

value : Continuity

The continuity of this curve.

The continuity type of this curve.


public attribute Count → (get)

value : int32

The number of control points.

The number of control points.

See also



public attribute HasTangents → (get)

value : bool

true if control points have tangent values,
false if control points do not have tangent values.

Does this curve have tangent values for control points?


public attribute Length → (get)

value : float64

The curve length, given as the walk distance from the first control point to the last.

Returns the length curve.

Getting this value is equivalent to calling WalkDistance for Range.


public attribute Range → (get)

value : RangeD

The control point index range, where RangeD.Start is always zero. Will be RangeD.Zero if Count is 1 or less.

Returns the range of control point indices.

Control points within this range can be used to compute points, without clamping at the first and last control points.


public attribute Replicate → (get)

value : int32

The replication count, see remarks.

Returns how many times a control point may be replicated, in order to control the curve.

A control point is replicated by calling one of the Add* methods, passing identical position values. The replication count values have the following meaning:

Since the Add* methods will drop control points when the replication count is exceeded, the caller must not assume Count, Length or Range is incremented for each call.



3 overloads

public static method Add1 → (1)

in : Vec2D

The control point (position).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.

public static method Add2 → (1)

in : Vec3D

The control point (position).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.

public static method Add3 → (1)

in : Vec4D

The control point (position).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that has tangents will specify zero for tangent values.


3 overloads

public static method Add21 → (2)

in : Vec2D

The control point (position).

in : Vec2D

The control point (tangent).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.

public static method Add22 → (2)

in : Vec3D

The control point (position).

in : Vec3D

The control point (tangent).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.

public static method Add23 → (2)

in : Vec4D

The control point (position).

in : Vec4D

The control point (tangent).

returns → ICurve


Adds a control point to this curve.

Using this method on a curve that does not have tangents will discard the tangent values.


public static method WalkDistance → (1)

range in : RangeD

The control point index range. Will be clamped to ICurve.Range.

returns → float64

The walk distance from RangeD.Start to RangeD.End.

Computes the walk distance from the given start control point to the given end control point.

See also
