- Derived from
TessellateShader abstract
A Tessellation Patch Shader (TP).
The method body must have a specific syntactic form, so that code generation may identify and separate the code for computing patch constant data and patch control-points:
[TessellatePatchShader(?, ?, ?, COUNT-IN, COUNT-OUT)] public static OUTPUT NAME(INPUT[] points, ref PATCH data, int index) { OUTPUT result; if (index == 0) { // The code in the branch of the second statement ('if' at index 1) computes the // constant patch data by updating 'patch', using the 'input' data. Computation // must always include the tessellation factors and may optionally include // additional values. ... } // The middle statements (indices 2..N-2) compute the data of the 'index'-th patch // control-point, using the 'input' and 'patch' data. ... // The last statement (index N-1) returns the data of the patch control-point. return result; }
The placeholders have the following meaning:
The number of input control-points (from the vertex buffer). -
The number of output control-points (for the tessellation stage). -
A stage parameter struct that holds the index-th output control-point. Must be named'result'
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The name of the tessellation shader. -
A stage parameter struct that holds an input control-point. Must be named'points'
. -
A stage parameter struct that holds constant patch data. Must be named'data'