
Camera Controls (3D)

The Tinman 3D SDK contains standard components for camera control in a 3D scene. These are used throughout the tutorials in the Demo Application.

  • Drag Camera

    Press the left mouse button to pick a point on the surface of the geometry in the 3D view. Then, drag the mouse to move the picked point, in the plane that is perpendicular to the surface of the geometry.

  • Orbit Camera

    Press the right mouse button to pick a point on the surface of the geometry in the 3D view. Then, drag the mouse to rotate around the picked point.

  • Move Camera

    Press the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously to pick a point on the surface of the geometry in the 3D view. Then, move the mouse forward or backward to move away from the picked point resp. to move towards it.
    Rotating the mouse wheel will do the same.

  • Free Camera

    In free camera mode, the mouse cursor is captured and the camera can be controlled in a 6-DOF kind of way: keyboard keys are used to move the camera (forward, backward, sideward) and to rotate the camera (roll), mouse movement is used to rotate the camera (yaw/pitch) and the mouse wheel is used to zoom in and out.

    To enter free camera mode, click the right mouse button or press one of the free camera keyboard keys. For keyboard key names, please refer to the KeyboardKey API.

    To leave free camera mode, click any mouse button or press Escape.

    A crosshair is shown at the screen center while in free camera mode. A mnemonic is displayed for each free camera keyboard key; depending on the keyboard mode, different keys are used:

    • QWERT(ZY)

      WASD : move forward / left / backward / right

      QE : roll left / right

      RF : move up / down

    • AZERTY

      ZQSD : move forward / left / backward / right

      AE : roll left / right

      RF : move up / down

Standard GUI controls

The following widget controls are standard ones, each having a dedicated shortcut. They are used by various tutorials and widgets.

  • Mesh Buffer Alt+1

    A Mesh Buffer GUI component, attached to the mesh buffer of the current terrain mesh.

  • Mesh Refinement Alt+2

    A Mesh Dynamic GUI component, attached to the current terrain mesh.

    A Default Visible Check GUI component, attached to the default visible check of the current terrain mesh.

  • Terrain Buffer Alt+3

    A Terrain Buffer GUI component, attached to the terrain buffer of the current terrain mesh.

  • Terrain Layers Alt+4

    A Terrain Layer List GUI component, attached to the current terrain mesh.

  • Terrain View Alt+5

    A Terrain View GUI component, attached to the view of the current terrain mesh.

  • Lighting Alt+6

    A Lighting GUI component, attached to the current 3D view.

  • Shadow Mapping Alt+7

    A Shadow Mapping GUI component, attached to the current 3D view.

  • Camera Path Alt+8

    A Camera Path GUI component, attached to the camera of the current 3D view.

  • Bookmarks Alt+9

    A Bookmarks GUI component, attached to the current widget.

  • Performance Alt+0

    A Profiler GUI component, attached to the current widget.