

sealed class Tinman.Core.Collections.Set<T>

Derived from

BagBase<T> abstract

An implementation of the IBag interface that uses a hashtable for storing the set elements.

Public / Constructors


3 overloads

public constructor Set1 → (1)

capacity opt : int32 = 12

The initial capacity of the dictionary, in key/value pairs.

Creates a new instance of Set.

The equality delegate is SystemUtilGeneric.EqualsDefault.
The hash code delegate is SystemUtilGeneric.HashCodeDefault.

public constructor Set2 → (2)

equals in : EqualsDelegate<T>

The equality delegate.

capacity opt : int32 = 12

The initial capacity of the dictionary, in key/value pairs.

Creates a new instance of Set.

The hash code delegate is SystemUtilGeneric.HashCodeDefault.

public constructor Set3 → (3)

equals in : EqualsDelegate<T>

The equality delegate.

hashCode in : HashCodeDelegate<T>

Optional hash code delegate.

capacity opt : int32 = 12

The initial capacity of the dictionary, in key/value pairs.

Creates a new instance of Set.