HeightmapSampleResult Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Queries.HeightmapSampleResult Derived from SceneQueryResult abstract IGeorefInfo A query result that describes a heightmap sample. See also SceneQueryResultType.TerrainPoint Public / Constructors HeightmapSampleResult public constructor HeightmapSampleResult → (6) distance in : float64 The value for ISceneQueryResult.Distance. coordinates in : Vec3D The value for Coordinates. georef in : Raster The value for IGeorefInfo.Georef. map in : MapInfo The value for IMapInfo.Map. vertical in : VerticalRange The value for Vertical. sample in : HeightmapSample The value for Sample. Creates a new instance of HeightmapSampleResult. Public / Attributes Coordinates public attribute Coordinates → (get) value : Vec3D The heightmap coordinates. The picked heightmap coordinates. Sample public attribute Sample → (get) value : HeightmapSample The heightmap sample. The picked heightmap sample. Vertical public attribute Vertical → (get) value : VerticalRange The vertical range. The vertical range of the heightmap sample. GroupResult IParentObjectContainer