Format_4 Description class Tinman.Core.Formatting.Format_4 Derived from Format_3 Extended by Format_5 A format pattern with four value arguments. Public / Constructors Format_4 public constructor Format_4 → (1) pattern in : string The pattern. Creates a new instance of Format_4. Public / Methods Bool public method Bool → (1) value in : bool The replacement value. returns → Format_3 The resulting string. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Char public method Char → (2) value in : char The replacement value. repeat opt : int32 = 1 Number of times to repeat value in. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Int public method Int → (2) value in : int64 The replacement value. flags opt : FormatFlags = FormatFlags.Default The number format flags to use. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Num public method Num → (2) value in : float64 The replacement value. flags opt : FormatFlags = FormatFlags.Default The number format flags to use. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Obj public method Obj → (1) value in : object The replacement value. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Str 2 overloads public method Str1 → (2) value in : string The replacement value. escape opt : StringEscape = null Optional escaping rules to apply to value in. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. public method Str2 → (1) value in : StringBuilder The replacement value. returns → Format_3 this. Replaces the next placeholder with the given value. Format_3 Format_5