

sealed class Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigException

Derived from


Exception class for errors that are specific to the configuration API.

Public / Constructors


public static method CannotBuildType → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

typeName in : string

Full name of the config type being built.

message in : string

The error message.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An error has occurred while building a new config type.


public static method CannotImplement → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

name in : string

The function name.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An external implementation cannot be provided for a script function, because it is already implemented in script code.


public static method CannotInstantiateAbstractClass → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ClassType

The abstract class type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

Abstract classes cannot be instantiated (ConfigValue.New2).


public static method CannotResolveName → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

name in : string

The identifier.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An identifier cannot be resolved.


public static method ExternalFunctionError → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

functionName in : string

Full name of the external config function.

error in : TinmanError

The error that has occurred.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An unexpected error has occurred while calling an external function.


public static method FailedToInitialize → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

cause in : Exception

The initialization error.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

Initialization of the configured value has failed.


public static method Immutable → (1)

source in : string

Error source tag.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A config value is immutable.


public static method InfiniteLoop → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

expr in : ConfigExpression

The config expression.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A config expression causes an infinite loop when being evaluated.


public static method InvalidCall → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

function in : ConfigMember

The function name.

message in : string

Additional error message.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A function call is invalid.


public static method MissingConfigurator → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The config type must have a configurator object.


public static method MustBeArrayType → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The config type must be an array type.


public static method MustBeClassType → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The config type must be a class.


public static method MustBeEnumType → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The config type must be an enum type.


public static method MustBeLValue → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

expr in : ConfigExpression

The config expression.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An assignment target expression is not an L-value.


public static method NoSuchEnumItem → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

enumType in : EnumType

The enum type.

enumItem in : string

The enum item name.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An enum item of the given name does not exist.


public static method NoSuchField → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

fieldName in : string

The field name.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A class field of the given name does not exist.


public static method NoSuchScript → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

scriptName in : string

The config script name.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The config domain does not contain a config script of the given name.


public static method NoSuchType → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

name in : string

The config type name.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A config type of the given name does not exist.


public static method NotAssignable → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

in : ConfigType

The source type.

in : ConfigType

The target type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The type in is not assignable to type in.


3 overloads

public static method NotConvertible1 → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

in : ConfigType

The source type.

in : ConfigType

The target type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The type in is not convertible to type in.

public static method NotConvertible2 → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

value in : string

The inconvertible string value.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The given string value is not convertible to type type in.

public static method NotConvertible3 → (3)

source in : string

Error source tag.

type in : ConfigType

The config type.

value in : float64

The inconvertible number value.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

The given number value is not convertible to type type in.


public static method Null → (1)

source in : string

Error source tag.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A config value is null.


public static method OutOfRange → (4)

source in : string

Error source tag.

index in : int32

The bad index value.

minimum in : int32

Minimum allowed index value (inclusive).

maximum in : int32

Maximum allowed index value (exclusive).

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An index is out of range.


public static method TypeAlreadyExists → (2)

source in : string

Error source tag.

typeName in : string

Full name of the config type.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

A config type of the given already exists.


public static method VirtualFieldError → (4)

source in : string

Error source tag.

typeName in : string

Full name of the config type that contains the virtual field.

fieldName in : string

The field name.

error in : TinmanError

The error that has occurred.

returns → ConfigException

The ready-to-throw exception.

An unexpected error has occurred while getting the value of a virtual field.