Public / Attributes
The company name.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The legal copyright notice, including legit variations.
The first element is always the original metadata value. Additional elements represent legit variations:
Year number:
If a single occurrence of a four-digit number (e.g. 2022) is present, it is interpreted as a year number and variations are generated for the past back to the year 2000.
Consider a perpetual licence key that has been purchased for this copyright metadata:'Copyright (C) 2010 Some Company, all rights reserved.'
The year number variation ensures that the same licence key still works when the year number in the copyright metadata is changed, for example:
'Copyright (C) 2022 Some Company, all rights reserved.'
Will be an array containing a single empty string element iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The current user domain.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
An opaque identifier of the physical machine.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The legal product name.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The file name of the program binary, not including the name suffix of executable files.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The hash of the program binary.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The title of the program binary.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.
The version of the program binary.
Will be the empty string iff this metadata value has not been obtained.