Unit Description Name struct Tinman.Georef.Unit Used by CoordSys.geographicUnit / CoordSys.localUnit / CoordSys.projectionUnit / CoordSys.verticalUnit / Cube.unit / Ellipsoid.unit / Heightmap.Range.unit / Image.Vertical.unit / Meridian.unit / Model.Read.unit / Param.unit Represents a unit of measure for a value type (scale, length or angle). Fields / Optional id Type Georef.Id Default null The unique registry ID of well-known objects. name Type string Default null The human-readable name of this object. type Type Unit.Type Default Unit.Type.Scale The type of this unit (e.g. length or angle). standard Type number Default 1 The value of 1 in this unit, expressed in the unit type’s standard unit. TiepointScale Type