- Derived from
ConfigNode abstract
Represents a configuration script.
This is the Grammar of a configuration script:
# := '//' ~newline* newline | '/*' ~'*/'* '*/' ; !config := script? using* member* ; member := function | variable ; script := 'script' qualified-identifier ';' ; using := 'using' qualified-identifier ';' ; !function := comment* 'intern'? identifier '(' (function-param .. ',')? ')' type-constraint-value ';' ; !variable := comment* 'intern'? identifier type-constraint-value ';' ; function-param := comment* identifier type-constraint-value ; comment := '`' ' '? ~newline* newline ; type-constraint-value := (':' type)? ('{' expr '}')? ('=' expr)? ; newline := '\r\n' | [\r\n] ; !expr := expr-each ; expr-additive := expr-multiplicative !> (expr-additive-op expr-multiplicative)+ ; expr-array := '[' (type ':' \ '::')? expr-list ','? ']' ; expr-call := qualified-identifier '::' <! identifier !> '(' expr-list ')' ; expr-chain := '@' type-named ('(' expr-list ')' | '{' expr-init '}') ; expr-conditional := expr-conditional-or !> '?' expr ':' expr ; expr-conditional-and := expr-logic-or !> ('&&' expr-logic-or)+ ; expr-conditional-or := expr-conditional-and !> ('||' expr-conditional-and)+ ; expr-each := expr-conditional !> (expr-each-op expr-conditional)+ ; expr-element := '[' expr ']' ; expr-equality := expr-relational !> (expr-equality-op expr-relational)+ ; expr-init := ((identifier '=' expr .. ',') ','?)? ; expr-list := (expr .. ',')? ; expr-logic-and := expr-equality !> ('&' expr-equality)+ ; expr-logic-or := expr-logic-xor !> ('|' expr-logic-xor)+ ; expr-logic-xor := expr-logic-and !> ('^' expr-logic-and)+ ; expr-multiplicative := expr-power !> (expr-multiplicative-op expr-power)+ ; expr-object := type-named? '{' expr-init '}' | '{' (type-named '}' | (type-named ':')? expr-list '}') ; expr-power := expr-unary !> (expr-power-op expr-unary)+ ; expr-primary := expr-literal | expr-array | expr-object | expr-call | '(' expr ')' | expr-value | expr-environment ; expr-relational := expr-shift !> (expr-relational-op expr-shift)+ ; expr-shift := expr-additive !> (expr-shift-op expr-additive)+ ; expr-suffix := expr-primary !> expr-suffix-op+ ; expr-suffix-op := expr-member | expr-element | expr-chain ; expr-unary := (expr-literal-primary !> expr-suffix-op+) | (expr-unary-op <! expr-suffix) ; !type := type-simple | type-named !> '[]'+ ; !type-named := qualified-identifier \ ('nan' | 'null' | 'true' | 'false') ; expr-environment := '$' identifier ; expr-literal := expr-literal-hex | expr-literal-decimal | expr-literal-string | expr-literal-bool | expr-literal-null | expr-literal-path ; expr-member := '.' identifier | '->' identifier ; qualified-identifier := identifier .. '.' ; expr-literal-decimal := expr-literal-number ; expr-literal-hex := ('0x' | '#') hex-digit+ ; expr-literal-primary := 'nan' | '+inf' | '-inf' | '-' expr-literal-number ; identifier := identifier-start identifier-char* ; expr-literal-number := digit+ ('.' digit+)? (('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-') digit+)? ; hex-digit := digit | 'A'..'F' ; identifier-char := letter | digit ; identifier-start := letter ; digit := '0'..'9' ; expr-additive-op := '+' | '-' ; expr-each-op := '=>' | '?>' | '+>'; expr-equality-op := '==' | '!=' ; expr-literal-bool := 'true' | 'false' ; expr-literal-null := 'null' ; expr-literal-path := '<' ]\r>\n[* '>' | '`' ]`\r\n[* '`' ; expr-literal-string := '"' (]"\r\n[ | '""')* '"' | '\'' (]\r'\n[ | '\'\'')* '\'' ; expr-multiplicative-op := '*' | '/' | '%' ; expr-power-op := '**' | '\\\\' ; expr-relational-op := '<=' | '<' | '>=' | '>' ; expr-shift-op := '<<' | '>>' ; expr-unary-op := '-' | '+' | '!' | '~' ; expr-value := '#' | '@' ; letter := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' ; type-simple := 'bool' | 'string' | 'path' | 'number' ;
Public / Constructors
2 overloads
Parses the given configuration script.
The config domain opt that is passed to this method will be used to resolve references to other config scripts. The returned config script will not be added to the given domain opt by this method (see ConfigDomain.Add).
- ValidatingException
If one or more parsing errors have occurred.
Parses the given configuration script.
The config domain opt that is passed to this method will be used to resolve references to other config scripts. The returned config script will not be added to the given domain opt by this method (see ConfigDomain.Add).
- ValidatingException
If one or more parsing errors have occurred.
Loads a config script from a file.
The config domain opt that is passed to this method will be used to resolve references to other config scripts. The returned config script will not be added to the given domain opt by this method (see ConfigDomain.Add).
- IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
- ValidatingException
If one or more parsing errors have occurred.
Public / Methods
Calls a public script function.
- ConfigException
If an unexpected error has occurred while obtaining the config value, for example while evaluating default argument expressions for the function call.
Does this config script depend on the given one by referring to one of its members using an external name 'ScriptName::MemberName'
Evaluates the given expression within the scope of this config script.
- ValidatingException
If the given expression in source code is malformed.
- ConfigException
If an error has occurred while evaluating the expression (e.g. identifier not found).
Provides an external implementation for a script function, replacing the current external implementation, if existent.
- ConfigException
If there is no script function of the given name in.
If the script function already has an implementation in the script code.
Generates a valid config script identifier (see grammar rule identifier
) from the given string value by replacing all sequences of invalid characters with a single underscore ('_'
) character.
Returns a public script member (i.e. function or variable) by its name.
- ConfigException
If there is no script member of the given name in.
Returns the script member at the given source code offset (see ICodeRange.Range).
If no member contains the given offset in, the next member is returned (if existent).
2 overloads
Returns a public script member (i.e. function or variable) by its name.
Returns the public script variable which current value is stored in the given config value.
- ConfigException
If an unexpected error has occurred while finding the config value, for example while retrieving a virtual field of a class value.