Mat23D Description struct Tinman.Core.Math.Vectors.Mat23D Derived from IMatOps<Mat23D, Vec3D, float64> IMat3Ops<Vec3D, Vec2D, float64> A reduced 3x3 matrix with 64-bit floating-point precision. / \ | M11 M12 M13 | | M21 M22 M23 | | 0 0 1 | \ / Public / Constants Identity public static readonly attribute Identity → (Mat23D) The identity matrix. M31 public constant M31 → (0:float64) Matrix component in third row, first column. M32 public constant M32 → (0:float64) Matrix component in third row, second column. M33 public constant M33 → (1:float64) Matrix component in third row, third column. Zero public static readonly attribute Zero → (Mat23D) The zero matrix. Public / Constructors FromColumns [Pure] public static method FromColumns → (3) col1 in : Vec2D The first column vector. col2 in : Vec2D The second column vector. col3 in : Vec2D The third column vector. returns → Mat23D The matrix. Creates a new instance of Mat23D. FromRows [Pure] public static method FromRows → (2) row1 in : Vec3D The first row vector. row2 in : Vec3D The second row vector. returns → Mat23D The matrix. Creates a new instance of Mat23D. Mat23D public constructor Mat23D → (6) m11 in : float64 Matrix component in first row, first column. m12 in : float64 Matrix component in first row, second column. m13 in : float64 Matrix component in first row, third column. m21 in : float64 Matrix component in second row, first column. m22 in : float64 Matrix component in second row, second column. m23 in : float64 Matrix component in second row, third column. Creates a new instance of Mat23D. Rotate [Pure] public static method Rotate → (1) angle in : float64 The rotation angle, in radians. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a rotation matrix (counter-clockwise for right-handed coordinate system when viewed from above). Scale 3 overloads [Pure] public static method Scale1 → (1) f in : float64 The scale factor. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a 2D scaling matrix. [Pure] public static method Scale2 → (1) f in : Vec2D The scale factors. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a 2D scaling matrix. [Pure] public static method Scale3 → (2) fx in : float64 The scale factor along the X-axis. fy in : float64 The scale factor along the Y-axis. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a 2D scaling matrix. Translate 2 overloads [Pure] public static method Translate1 → (1) v in : Vec2D The 2D translation vector. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a homogeneous 2D translation matrix. [Pure] public static method Translate2 → (2) x in : float64 X-component of translation vector. y in : float64 Y-component of translation vector. returns → Mat23D The resulting matrix. Returns a homogeneous 2D translation matrix. Public / Attributes M11 public readonly attribute M11 → (float64) Matrix component in first row, first column. M12 public readonly attribute M12 → (float64) Matrix component in first row, second column. M13 public readonly attribute M13 → (float64) Matrix component in first row, third column. M21 public readonly attribute M21 → (float64) Matrix component in second row, first column. M22 public readonly attribute M22 → (float64) Matrix component in second row, second column. M23 public readonly attribute M23 → (float64) Matrix component in second row, third column. Serialization Serializer public static readonly attribute Serializer → (ITypeSerializer<Mat23D>) The serialization helper object for values of Mat23D. Mat Mat23F