

interface Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Shapes.IMarkingBuilder

Derived from


Extended by

MarkingBuilder abstract

Base interface for classes that create shapes for ground markings, for example runways or helipads.

The builder version (see IVersioned.Version) can be used to detect if the builder state has been modified in a way that affects the result of ShapeFor.

Public / Methods


public method ColorFor → (1)

type in : MarkingType

The marking type.

returns → int64

The default color value (see Colors).

Returns the default color value for the given type in.


public method ShapeFor → (1)

type in : MarkingType

The marking type.

returns → IShape

The markings or null if empty.

Returns the shape that represents the markings of the given type in.

Calling ShapeFor repeatedly without modifying the builder state in between will result in the same IShape object being returned.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Georef → (get,set)

value : CoordinateSystem

The geo-reference or null.

The geo-reference to use for building shapes.


public attribute Transform → (get,set)

value : Mat3D

The transformation matrix.

The custom 2D homogeneous transformation to apply.



2 overloads

public static method Bounds1 → ()

returns → Box2D

The shape bounds.

Computes the bounds of all marking shapes.

public static method Bounds2 → (1)

type in : MarkingType

The marking type.

returns → Box2D

The shape bounds or Box2D.Inverse iff there are no markings for the given type in.

Computes the bounds of the marking shapes of the given type in.


public static method ToColorBuffer → (3)

bounds in : Box2D

The shape bounds to use.

target in : ColorBuffer

The target color buffer.

edge opt : float64 = 0.01

Sharpness of shape edges, given as a width in shape coordinates.

Rasterizes the marking shapes into a color buffer.


public static method ToMapShapes → (3)

group opt : MapShapes<PixelPyramidShape> = null

The output map shapes group or null to create a new one.

levelFrom opt : int32 = 0

The minimum pyramid level, see PixelPyramidShape.LevelFrom.

edge opt : float64 = 0.01

Sharpness of shape edges, given as a width in shape coordinates.

returns → MapShapes<PixelPyramidShape>

The map shapes group.

Builds a PixelPyramidShape for each marking type and adds it to the given group opt group.


public static method ToPixelPyramidShape → (2)

type in : MarkingType

The marking type.

edge opt : float64 = 0.01

Sharpness of shape edges, given as a width in shape coordinates.

returns → PixelPyramidShape

The PixelPyramidShape or null iff there are no markings for the given type in.

Builds a PixelPyramidShape for the markings of the given type in.