Box3I Description struct Tinman.Terrain.Util.Box3I Derived from IBox3Ops<Box3I, Vec3I, int32, int64> A three-dimensional bounding box with 32-bit integer precision. The coordinates refer to cubes (pixel-is-area semantic). Public / Constants Empty public static readonly attribute Empty → (Box3I) An empty bounding box at the coordinate origin. See also Box3I.IsEmpty Inverse public static readonly attribute Inverse → (Box3I) An inverse bounding box that can be used as the initial value for computing bounds via subsequent calls to Grow. See also Box3I.IsInverse Max public static readonly attribute Max → (Box3I) The largest possible box. Note that the dimension of this box is 2^32 (4294967296), which cannot be expressed using 32-bits. So instead 0 is returned. Public / Constructors FromPoints 2 overloads [Pure] public static method FromPoints1 → (6) x1 in : int32 X-coordinate of first corner point. y1 in : int32 Y-coordinate of first corner point. z1 in : int32 Z-coordinate of first corner point. x2 in : int32 X-coordinate of second corner point. y2 in : int32 Y-coordinate of second corner point. z2 in : int32 Z-coordinate of second corner point. returns → Box3I The bounding box. Creates a new instance of Box3I from the given corner points. [Pure] public static method FromPoints2 → (2) a in : Vec3I First corner point. b in : Vec3I Second corner point. returns → Box3I The bounding box. Creates a new instance of Box3I from the given corner points. FromRect [Pure] public static method FromRect → (6) x in : int32 X-coordinate of top-left-front corner of cuboid. y in : int32 Y-coordinate of top-left-front corner of cuboid. z in : int32 Z-coordinate of top-left-front corner of cuboid. width in : int32 [>=0] Width of cuboid. height in : int32 [>=0] Height of cuboid. depth in : int32 [>=0] Depth of cuboid. returns → Box3I The bounding box. Creates a new instance of Box3I from the given rectangular cuboid. Public / Attributes X1 public readonly attribute X1 → (int32) X-coordinate of minimum corner of bounding box. X2 public readonly attribute X2 → (int32) X-coordinate of maximum corner of bounding box. Y1 public readonly attribute Y1 → (int32) Y-coordinate of minimum corner of bounding box. Y2 public readonly attribute Y2 → (int32) Y-coordinate of maximum corner of bounding box. Z1 public readonly attribute Z1 → (int32) Z-coordinate of minimum corner of bounding box. Z2 public readonly attribute Z2 → (int32) Z-coordinate of maximum corner of bounding box. Serialization Serializer public static readonly attribute Serializer → (ITypeSerializer<Box3I>) The serialization helper object for values of Box3I. Box3D BoxSoup