CopySamplesOp Description abstract class Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.CopySamplesOp Derived from ICopySamplesOp Abstract base class for ICopySamplesOp implementations. Public / Constants None public static readonly attribute None → (ICopySamplesOp) A copy sample operation that performs no modification, i.e. a plain copy. Public / Constructors Blur public static method Blur → (2) size in : int32 [>=1] The edge length of the box filter. layers opt : HeightmapLayer = HeightmapLayer.All The heightmap layers to blur. returns → ICopySamplesOp The ICopySamplesOp instance. Returns a copy sample operation that blurs the given heightmap layers using a Gaussian box filter of the given edge length. Configuration Config public static attribute Config → (get) value : IConfigurator<ICopySamplesOp> [not-null] The configurator object. The configurator object for this type. CompositeHeightmapTwo CoverageFlags