

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Components.TerrainSpace

Provides coordinate transformation methods between terrain-space, light-space and material-space.

Terrain-space is the coordinate system that is established by IGeometry.
See TerrainMesh.Mesh and IMesh.Geometry.

Light-space is the coordinate system used to perform lighting calculations, e.g. light directions vectors and normal vectors are transformed into this coordinate system. Also, IEnvironmentMap backgrounds are applied in light-space.
See TerrainView.LightingNorth.

Material-space is the coordinate system that is used to perform tri-planar material-based texturing; it is similar to light-space, but not identical: in order to avoid texture swimming, material-space must be translated and/or rotated. Also, a non-linear projection must be applied for small planetary terrains.
See TerrainLayerMaterial.Chunks.

The steps for transforming light-space into material-space are described below.

The initial material coordinates m0 are computed as follows:

// Transform to light-space, centered at material origin.
m0 = lightSpace * (point - origin)

where lightSpace is the inverse of LightToTerrainMatrix, origin is Origin and point is the terrain-space point for which material coordinates need to be computed.
This step establishes the orientation of material-space, with respect to horizontal and vertical textures for tri-planar mapping. Also, floating-point precision issues are fixed for large planetary terrains.

The projected material coordinates m1 are computed as follows:
If Projection is true and the terrain geometry is geocentric (see IGeometry.ToGeocentric):

// Compute coefficients.
horizontal = length(m0.X, m0.Z)
vertical   = radius + m0.Y
angle      = atan2(horizontal, vertical)
scale      = horizontal > 0 ? angle * radius / horizontal : 0
// Use height above geocentric sphere as vertical coordinate.
m1.y     = length(m0.X, vertical, m0.Z) - radius
// Scale horizontal vector to length of corresponding arc on sphere.
m1.xz    = m0.xz * scale;

where offset is Offset and radius is Radius.
Otherwise, no projection is performed and the initial material coordinates are used:

m1 = m0

This step ensures that material-space is invariant to camera movement and rotation. For large planetary terrains, material coordinate projection is not necessary, since the visual error resulting from using unprojected material coordinates is not apparent.

The adjusted material coordinates m2 are computed as follows:

// Get sine and cosine of rotation angle.
s    = sin(-rotation)
c    = cos(-rotation)
// Rotate around Y-axis.
m2.x = c * m1.X + s * m1.Z + offset.X
m2.y = m1.y + offset.Y
m2.z = -s * m1.X + c * m1.Z + offset.Z

where rotation is Rotation.
This step ensures that material coordinates stay in place, when the coordinate frame is moving. Not doing so would result in texture swimming artefacts, which visually intolerable.

Public / Methods


public method LightToTerrain → (1)

point in : Vec3D

The point to transform, in light-space.

returns → Vec3D

The transformed point, in terrain-space.

Transforms a point from light-space to terrain-space.


public method MaterialToTerrain → (1)

point in : Vec3D

The point to transform, in material-space.

returns → Vec3D

The transformed point, in terrain-space.

Transforms a point from material-space to terrain-space.


public method Move → (3)

origin in : Vec3D

Origin of light-space, in terrain-space. The origin will be moved along the terrain up-vector to elevation zero.

north in : Vec3D

The north-direction.

chunks in : float64

The material chunk factor.

Updates the terrain-space transformations.

Use this method when moving over the terrain. This will keep material-space in place, avoiding texture swimming artefacts. If AllowMove returns true, this method will do nothing and will return silently.


public method Reset → ()

Resets the accumulated adjustment of material-space.

Material-space is being adjusted in order to keep material textures in place. Otherwise, texture swimming artefacts would occur. As a side-effect, this adjustment may result in different material-spaces being used for the same location in terrain-space, when visited at different points in time.


public method Set → (4)

origin in : Vec3D

Origin of light-space, in terrain-space. The origin will be moved along the terrain up-vector to elevation zero.

north in : Vec3D

The north-direction.

offset in : Vec3D

The offset vector, see Offset.

rotation in : float64

The rotation angle, see Rotation.

Sets the terrain-space transformations.

Use this method to restore all transformations to a previous state, for example after loading a scene. This will make sure that material-based texturing will look exactly the same.


public method TerrainToLight → (1)

point in : Vec3D

The point to transform, in terrain-space.

returns → Vec3D

The transformed point, in light-space.

Transforms a point from terrain-space to light-space.


public method TerrainToMaterial → (1)

point in : Vec3D

The point to transform, in terrain-space.

returns → Vec3D

The transformed point, in material-space.

Transforms a point from terrain-space to material-space.


public method UpdateParameters → (1)

parameters in : TerrainMaterialParameters

The render effect parameters.

Updates the given render effect parameters.

Public / Attributes


public attribute AllowMove → (get,set)

value : bool

true to enable material coordinate space updates via Move,
false to disable.

Allow Move to modify the material coordinate space?

Defaults to true.


public attribute LightToTerrainMatrix → (get)

value : Mat3D

The rotation matrix.

Returns the rotation matrix from light-space to terrain-space.


public attribute North → (get)

value : Vec3D

The unit-length north direction vector.

The north direction.


public attribute Offset → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The offset vector.

The material coordinate offset.


public attribute Origin → (get)

value : Vec3D

The light-space origin.

The origin of light-space, in terrain-space.


public attribute Projection → (get,set)

value : bool

true to use projected material-space for texturing of geocentric terrains,
false to use unprojected material-space.

Enable projection of material-space for geocentric terrains?

The Y-coordinate of projected material-space is the height above the geocentric sphere. The X- and Y-coordinates are obtained by applying a map projection (a variant of CoordinateOperationMethod.PolarStereographic).

Defaults to false.


public attribute Radius → (get)

value : float64

The radius, in terrain-space.

The geocentric radius.


public attribute Rotation → (get,set)

value : float64

The rotation angle, in radians.

The material rotation angle.