Fields / Optional
The 3D model file format. If unknown, the format is inferred from the data stream.
The following default model file formats are available:
The file format is unknown and will be determined automatically.
Open Asset Import Library v5.*
This model format is available if any of the following native libraries is present in the search path of the process:
: 32-bit dynamic link library -
: 64-bit dynamic link library -
: dynamic link library -
: 32-bit dynamic link library -
: 64-bit dynamic link library -
: dynamic link library -
: dynamic link library -
: dynamic link library
This class assumes that the library interfaces of all minor versions are binary compatible.
To re-build the dynamic libraries that are included in the Tinman 3D SDK, please perform the following steps (you may use other library versions, toolsets or build options, of course):
Install CMake 3.28.0 or newer (
Download Assimp release 5.4.0 (
Choose generator 'Visual Studio 17 2022', using the 'Win32' and 'x64' platforms.
Use default build options of CMake, then apply the following:
CMAKE_C_FLAGS += ' /DWINVER=0x0601 /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601'
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS += ' /DWINVER=0x0601 /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601'
Build the Assimp binaries (project
with configurationRelease
), then rename and copy each one into its respective SDK folder:
This model format supports the following options:
The CMH model file format ('Compiled Model Hierarchy', proprietary):
Write supported: yes
IANA media type: none
File extensions: .cmh
This file format is self-contained, i.e. all resources are embedded in the model file. Lazy loading is applied for all model geometry objects and all model texture resources.
This file format ignores all options ofModel.Read.
OpenFlight API v22.0
This file format is available if any of the following native libraries is present in the search path of the process:
: dynamic link library
If the OpenFlight API has been installed locally, the libraries can be found there, for example:
c:\Presagis\Suite22\OpenFlight_API_22_0\bin\debug\ c:\Presagis\Suite22\OpenFlight_API_22_0\bin\release\ c:\Presagis\Suite22\OpenFlight_API_22_0\bin_x64\debug\ c:\Presagis\Suite22\OpenFlight_API_22_0\bin_x64\release\
The OpenFlight API binaries are not included in the Tinman 3D SDK. However, an application may choose to bundle and redistribute them, in accordance to the Presagis Software Licence Agreement, which does not require Tinman 3D to be involved in any way.
This model format supports the following options:
The GL Transmission Format Version 2.0 - Binary
glTF Sample Viewer
Write supported: no
IANA media type: model/gltf-binary
File extensions: .glb
The binary JSON .glb
file format may be self-contained, i.e. all resources are embedded in the model file. Lazy loading is applied for all model geometry objects and all model texture resources. These glTF extensions are supported:
The following glTF features are not supported:
3.7.3. Skins
3.10. Cameras
3.11. Animations
This model format supports the following options:
The GL Transmission Format Version 2.0 - JSON
glTF Sample Viewer
Write supported: no
IANA media type: model/gltf+json
File extensions: .gltf
The JSON .gltf
file format is not necessarily self-contained, i.e. some resources may be present as external files, which are referenced by the model file. Lazy loading is applied for all model geometry objects and all model texture resources. These glTF extensions are supported:
The following glTF features are not supported:
3.7.3. Skins
3.10. Cameras
3.11. Animations
This model format supports the following options:
The LAS model file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type: application/vnd.las
File extensions: .las
This model format supports the following options:
The OBJ model file format.
Write supported: yes
IANA media type: model/obj
File extensions: .obj
The following commands are supported in *.obj
v X Y Z
(vertex coordinates) -
v X Y Z R G B
(vertex coordinates with color) -
vn X Y Z
(vertex normal vector) -
vt X Y
(vertex texture coordinates) -
s N
(smoothing group for normal vectors) -
f A1 B1 C1 …
(polygon face) -
f A1/A2 B1/B2 C1/C2 …
(polygon face) -
f A1/A2/A3 B1/B2/B3 C1/C2/C3 …
(polygon face) -
mtllib NAME
(select material library) -
usemtl NAME
(select material)
The following commands are supported in *.mtl
newmtl NAME
(define new material) -
Ka R G B
(ambient reflectivity) -
Kd R G B
(diffuse reflectivity) -
Ks R G B
(specular reflectivity) -
Tf R G B
(transmission filter) -
d V
(material dissolve) -
sharpness V
(glossiness) -
map_Ka NAME
(ambient texture map) -
map_Kd NAME
(diffuse texture map) -
map_Ks NAME
(specular texture map) -
map_d NAME
(dissolve texture map)
This model format supports the following options:
Fix vertex winding of indexed triangle list primitives:
Given a triangle (a,b,c)
, vertex winding is fixed using the face normal N
and the cross product X=(b-a)x(c-a)
> 0
: Fix triangle winding so that dot(N,X)
is positive.
< 0
: Fix triangle winding so that dot(N,X)
is negative.
= 0
: Do not fix triangle winding.
If the model does not have normal vectors, vertex winding will never be fixed. This fix is applied after Read.Flags.FlipWinding.
The base directory to use for resolving relative texture file paths in the 3D model.
The given base directory can be relative; in this case, it will be resolved using the path of the directory that contains the model file. If there is no path info for the model data, the current filesystem directory is used instead.
Optional transformation matrix to apply to the model geometry.
The transformation matrix is applied as the last transformation step, before the custom post processors are invoked.
Names of the model nodes to keep, including their hierarchical structure.
If Read.Flags.ModelNames is present, this property is ignored.
Relative height of bump maps.
This value is interpreted relative to the dimensions of the unit square of normalized texture coordinates. A value of 1
will extrude the unit square to the unit cube.
Instead of a normal map, a model may define a bump height map. In this case, a tangent-space normal map can be generated from the bump map, using the given bump height.