

enum Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.UrlPatternMode

Enumeration of URL pattern modes.

Public / Constants


public constant Tiled1x1 → (0:int32)

The URL pattern is used to access a WMTS-style resource that has a root tile matrix of size 1x1.

The placeholders of the URL pattern are assigned as follows:

{0} := Tile matrix index, in the range [0..TileMatrixCount[
       (e.g. 'TileMatrix' URL template parameter of WMTS)

{1} := X-coordinate of tile in matrix, in the range [0..2^level[
       (e.g. 'TileCol' URL template parameter of WMTS)

{2} := Y-coordinate of tile in matrix, in the range [0..2^level[
       (e.g. 'TileRow' URL template parameter of WMTS)

By default, the zero-based tile matrix index is used to format the 'TileMatrix' parameter value. Custom time matrix IDs can be specified via UrlPatternPyramid.TileMatrixId2.


public constant TiledNon1x1 → (1:int32)

The URL pattern is used to access a WMTS-style resource that has a root tile matrix of size 1x2, 2x1 or 2x2.

The placeholders of the URL pattern are assigned as follows:

{0} := Tile matrix index, in the range [0..TileMatrixCount[
       (e.g. 'TileMatrix' URL template parameter of WMTS)

{1} := X-coordinate of tile in matrix, in the range [0..2^level[
       (e.g. 'TileCol' URL template parameter of WMTS)

{2} := Y-coordinate of tile in matrix, in the range [0..2^level[
       (e.g. 'TileRow' URL template parameter of WMTS)

By default, the zero-based tile matrix index is used to format the 'TileMatrix' parameter value. Custom time matrix IDs can be specified via UrlPatternPyramid.TileMatrixId2.

The root pyramid tile will be computed by scaling down the (probably sparse)2x2 topmost tile matrix. The number of pyramid levels (see IPyramidBase.Levels) is then equal to the number of tile matrices, plus one.


public constant Contiguous → (2:int32)

The URL pattern is used to access a WMS-style resource.

The placeholders of the URL pattern are assigned as follows:

{0} := Tile size, in pixels.
       (e.g. 'WIDTH' and 'HEIGHT' URL template parameters of WMS)

{1} := Geo-X-coordinate of top-left corner of top-left pixel of tile.
       (e.g. 'BBOX' URL template parameter of WMS)

{2} := Geo-Y-coordinate of top-left corner of top-left pixel of tile
       (e.g. 'BBOX' URL template parameter of WMS)

{3} := Geo-X-coordinate of bottom-right corner of bottom-right pixel of tile.
       (e.g. 'BBOX' URL template parameter of WMS)

{4} := Geo-Y-coordinate of bottom-right corner of bottom-right pixel of tile.
       (e.g. 'BBOX' URL template parameter of WMS)

The geo-coordinates are defined as follows:

A coordinate reference system must be specified for the pixel pyramid when the Contiguous mode is used (see Raster).