

interface Tinman.Engine.Components.ICameraWorld

Extended by

MeshCameraWorld sealed
ModelCameraWorld sealed

Provides information about a 3D world for a camera control object (see ICameraControl).

Public / Methods


public method Clamp → (2)

point in : Vec3D

The point in world-space.

distance opt : float64 = 0

The minimum distance, in world-space.

returns → Vec3D

The updated point.

Ensures that the given point has a minimum distance to the world.

The implementing method is free to choose a minimum distance that is larger then the given distance opt parameter.


public method Distance → (2)

point in : Vec3D

The point in world-space.

maximum opt : float64 = Maths.MaxDouble

The maximum distance to return.

returns → float64

The distance from point in to the nearest world feature or 0 if the world is empty.

Computes the distance to the given point.


public method PickRay → (4)

ray in : Ray

The picking ray.

point out : Vec3D

Output for picked point.

up out : Vec3D

Output for world-specific up-direction at point out.

normal out : Vec3D

Output for surface normal vector at point out.

returns → bool

true if a point has been picked, false if not (point out, up out and normal out will be Vec3D.Undefined in this case).

Picks the nearest feature in world-space that intersects with the given ray.


public method PickUp → (2)

point in : Vec3D

The point in world-space.

up out : Vec3D

Output for the unit-length up-vector, in world-space.

returns → bool

true if a point has been picked, false if not (up out will be Vec3D.Undefined in this case).

Returns the world up-vector at the given point.

Public / Attributes


public attribute BoundingSphere → (get)

value : Sphere

The bounding sphere.

Returns the bounding sphere that contains all world features.


public attribute IsPlanetary → (get)

value : bool

true if this world is planetary (e.g. based on an ellipsoid),
false if this world has some other base geometry (e.g. a rectangular patch).

Is this a planetary world?


public attribute MaximumDistance → (get)

value : float64

The maximum distance factor, see remarks.

Specifies the maximum camera distance.

The default maximum camera distance is computed so that the bounding sphere fits into the smaller field-of-view angle (horizontal or vertical). This factor specifies a multiple for that: a value of 0.5 will fit half of the bounding sphere, a value of 2 will fit two bounding spheres. Defaults to 1.


public attribute Unit → (get)

value : UnitOfMeasure

The world-space units.

The unit of measure of world-space.



public static method PickSmooth → (6)

view in : ICameraViewport

The camera viewport to use.

screen in : Vec2F

The screen coordinates of the pick ray.

radius in : float64

Radius around screen in to use for casting additional rays.

point out : Vec3D

The smoothed picked point.

up out : Vec3D

The up-vector at point out.

normal out : Vec3D

The normal vector at point out.

returns → bool

true if a pick result has found, false if there is no pick result.

Performs a series of screen-space picks and returns the smoothed result.