

struct Tinman.Core.Math.Vectors.Vec2L

A two-dimensional vector with 64-bit integer precision.

/     \
|  X  |
|  Y  |
\     /

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute Zero → (Vec2L)

The zero vector.

Public / Constructors


public constructor Vec2L → (2)

in : int64

X-coordinate of vector.

in : int64

Y-coordinate of vector.

Creates a new instance of Vec2L.

Public / Methods


2 overloads

public method Add1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Adds this vector and the given one.

public method Add2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Adds this vector and the given one.


public method Choose → (2)

idx in : int32

The zero-based component index.

opt : int64 = 0

The value to return if idx in is out of range.

returns → int64

The resulting vector.

Chooses a component of this vector.


3 overloads

public method Cross1 → (1)

in : int64

Z-component of vector (X- and Y-components are zero).

returns → Vec2L

The cross product vector.

Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.

public method Cross2 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The other vector.

returns → int64

The Z-component of the cross product vector (X- and Y-components are zero).

Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.

public method Cross3 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → int64

The Z-component of the cross product vector (X- and Y-components are zero).

Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.


2 overloads

public method Dot1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → int64

The resulting vector.

Computes the dot product between this vector and the given one.

public method Dot2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → int64

The resulting vector.

Computes the dot product between this vector and the given one.


2 overloads

public method Equals2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → bool

true if both vectors are equal, false if they are not.

Checks if this vector and the given one are equal.


2 overloads

public method Max1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise maximum of this vector and the given one.

public method Max2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise maximum of this vector and the given one.


2 overloads

public method Min1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise minimum of this vector and the given one.

public method Min2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise minimum of this vector and the given one.


3 overloads

public method Mul1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Multiplies this vector with the given one.

public method Mul2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Multiplies this vector with the given one.

public method Mul3 → (1)

in : int64

The scalar value.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Multiplies this vector with the given scalar value.


public method Neg → ()

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Negates this vector.


public method ShiftLeft → (1)

in : int32

The shift amount.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Performs a left bit shift on each component of this vector.


public method ShiftRight → (1)

in : int32

The shift amount.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Performs a right bit shift on each component of this vector.


2 overloads

public method Sub1 → (1)

in : Vec2L

The vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Subtracts the given vector from this one.

public method Sub2 → (2)

in : int64

X-component of vector.

in : int64

Y-component of vector.

returns → Vec2L

The resulting vector.

Subtracts the given vector from this one.


2 overloads

public method ToString2 → (1)

flags in : FormatFlags

The format flags to use.

returns → string

The string representation.

Returns the string representation of this vector.

See also


Public / Attributes


public attribute Length → (get)

value : float64

The vector length.

Returns the length of this vector.


public attribute LengthSqr → (get)

value : float64

The squared vector length.

Returns the squared length of this vector.


public readonly attribute X → (int64)

X-coordinate of vector.


public readonly attribute Y → (int64)

Y-coordinate of vector.



public static readonly attribute Serializer → (ITypeSerializerEx<Vec2L>)

The serialization helper object for values of Vec2L.