LodCoords Description struct Tinman.Terrain.Codec.LodCoords A set of LOD block coordinates. See also LodPartition.ForCoords Public / Constructors LodCoords public constructor LodCoords → (3) blockIdx in : int64 Index of LOD block that contains the sample at the input coordinates. blockSubX in : int32 Relative X-coordinate of sample in the LOD block. blockSubY in : int32 Relative Y-coordinate of sample in the LOD block. Creates a new instance of LodCoords. Public / Attributes BlockIdx public readonly attribute BlockIdx → (int64) Index of LOD block that contains the sample at the input coordinates. BlockSubX public readonly attribute BlockSubX → (int32) Relative X-coordinate of sample in the LOD block. BlockSubY public readonly attribute BlockSubY → (int32) Relative Y-coordinate of sample in the LOD block. LodBlock LodPartition