

sealed class Tinman.Core.Formatting.Text

Derived from

EnumerableBase<string> abstract

Represents a chunk of text and provides access to the text lines.

The IEnumerable.GetEnumerator method will iterate through the text lines, returning the result of Line for the line indices from 0 to LineCount-1.

Public / Methods


public static method For → (1)

text in : string

The text string value.

returns → Text

The created Text object.

Creates a new instance of Text.


public method Line → (1)

index in : int32

The zero-based line index.

returns → string

The line of text.

Returns the index in-th line of text.


public method LineAt → (1)

offset in : int32

The text offset.

returns → int32

The zero-based line index.

Returns the index of the text line that contains the given offset.


public method LineEnd → (1)

index in : int32

The zero-based line index.

returns → int32

The line end offset (exclusive).

Returns the end offset of the index in-th line.


public method LineLength → (1)

index in : int32

The zero-based line index.

returns → int32

The line length.

Returns the length of the index in-th line.


public method LineStart → (1)

index in : int32

The zero-based line index.

returns → int32

The line start offset (inclusive).

Returns the start offset of the index in-th line.


public method OffsetAt → (2)

row in : int32

The zero-based line index.

column in : int32

The zero-based column index.

returns → int32

Offset of text location.

Returns the offset of the given text location.


public method PositionAt → (2)

offset in : int32

The text offset.

oneBased opt : bool = false

true to return one-based row and column numbers,
false to return zero-based ones.

returns → Vec2I

The text position:
Vec2I.X : the column number
Vec2I.Y : the row number

Returns the text position at the given text offset.


public method ToArray → ()

returns → string [ ]

The text line array.

Returns the text lines as an array.


2 overloads

public method ToString1 → (2)

lineNumbers in : bool

Output line numbers?

lineEnding opt : LineEnding = LineEnding.LF

The line ending to use.

returns → string

The concatenated string value.

Returns this text as a concatenated string value, using the given LineEnding.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Length → (get)

value : int32

Length of the original text value.

Returns the length of the original text value that has been passed to For.

See also



public attribute LineCount → (get)

value : int32

The text line count.

Returns the number of text lines in this text.


public attribute MaxLineLength → (get)

value : int32

The maximum line length.

Returns the maximum line length in this text.


public attribute Value → (get)

value : string

The original text value.

Returns the original value that has been passed to For.

See also
