

sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.CameraInfo

The CameraInfo is used by various components of the Tinman SDK. It serves as a data container for the position and direction of the scene camera, in terrain-space.

Public / Constructors


public constructor CameraInfo → ()

Creates a new instance of CameraInfo.

The camera position will be at the coordinate origin.

Public / Methods


2 overloads

public method ComputeZ1 → (1)

in : Vec3D

Coordinate of point.

returns → float64

The Z-coordinate in camera-space.

Returns the Z-coordinate of the given point in camera-space.

public method ComputeZ2 → (3)

in : float64

X-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Z-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

returns → float64

The Z-coordinate in camera-space.

Returns the Z-coordinate of the given point in camera-space.


2 overloads

public method Distance1 → (1)

in : Vec3D

Coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

returns → float64

The distance, in terrain-space.

Returns the distance between the given point and the camera position.

public method Distance2 → (3)

in : float64

X-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Z-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

returns → float64

The distance, in terrain-space.

Returns the distance between the given point and the camera position.


2 overloads

public method DistanceSqr1 → (1)

in : Vec3D

Coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

returns → float64

The square distance, in terrain-space.

Returns the square distance between the given point and the camera position.

public method DistanceSqr2 → (3)

in : float64

X-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

in : float64

Z-coordinate of point, in terrain-space.

returns → float64

The square distance, in terrain-space.

Returns the square distance between the given point and the camera position.


2 overloads

public method Eye1 → (1)

in : Vec3D

The point.

returns → Vec3D

The eye vector.

Computes the eye vector for the given point (direction from point to camera).

public method Eye2 → (3)

in : float64

X-coordinate of point.

in : float64

Y-coordinate of point.

in : float64

Z-coordinate of point.

returns → Vec3D

The eye vector.

Computes the eye vector for the given point (direction from point to camera).


2 overloads

public method Local1 → (1)

in : Vec3D

Coordinates in camera-space. Vec3D.X, Vec3D.Y and Vec3D.Z point along Side, Up and Direction, respectively.

returns → Vec3D

The point in terrain-space.

Translates the given point from camera-space to terrain-space.

public method Local2 → (3)

in : float64

X-coordinate in camera-space, points along Side.

in : float64

Y-coordinate in camera-space, points along Up.

in : float64

Z-coordinate in camera-space, points along Direction.

returns → Vec3D

The point in terrain-space.

Translates the given point from camera-space to terrain-space.


public method Set → (1)

other in : CameraInfo

The camera to copy from.

Copies all properties from the given camera to this one.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Direction → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The normalized direction vector.

The camera direction vector, in terrain-space.


public attribute Position → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The position.

The camera position, in terrain-space.


public attribute Side → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The normalized side vector.

The camera side vector, in terrain-space.


public attribute Up → (get,set)

value : Vec3D

The normalized up vector.

The camera up vector, in terrain-space.