

sealed class Tinman.Core.Cx.Declarations.CxDeclarationType

A declaration of a class, interface or struct type:

class MyType<T> : BaseType where T : Type
  #region Region



interface MyType...

struct MyType...
See also


Public / Constructors


public constructor CxDeclarationType → (8)

modifiers in : CxModifiers

See ICxModifiersContainer.Modifiers.

semantic in : int32

See Semantic.

name in : CxId

See ICxIdContainer.Name.

xmlDoc opt : CxXmlDoc = null

See ICxXmlDocContainer.XmlDoc.

attributes opt : IBagConst<CxAttribute> = null

The attribute list of the member or null for an empty list. See ICxAttributesContainer.Attributes.

typeParameters opt : IBagConst<CxTypeParameter> = null

The generic type parameter list of the type or null for an empty list. See ICxTypeParametersContainer.TypeParameters.

baseTypes opt : IBagConst<CxTypeName> = null

The base type list of the type or null for an empty list. See ICxBaseTypesContainer.BaseTypes.

regions opt : IBagConst<CxRegion> = null

The region list of the type or null for an empty list. See Regions.

Creates a new instance of CxDeclarationType.

Public / Methods


4 overloads

public method AsCodeUnit1 → (1)

name opt : string = null

The namespace of the code unit. If null, 'MyNamespace' will be used.

returns → CxCodeUnit

The wrapping code unit.

Wraps this type declaration in a code unit.


If name opt is invalid.

public method AsCodeUnit2 → (2)

name in : string

The namespace of the code unit. If null, 'MyNamespace' will be used.

usings in : string

The using directive.

returns → CxCodeUnit

The wrapping code unit.

Wraps this type declaration in a code unit.


If name in or usings in is invalid.

public method AsCodeUnit3 → (2)

name in : string

The namespace of the code unit. If null, 'MyNamespace' will be used.

usings in : string [ ]

The using directives.

returns → CxCodeUnit

The wrapping code unit.

Wraps this type declaration in a code unit.


If name in or usings in is invalid.

public method AsCodeUnit4 → (2)

name in : CxName

The namespace of the code unit.

usings opt : IBagConst<CxName> = null

The using directives.

returns → CxCodeUnit

The wrapping code unit.

Wraps this type declaration in a code unit.

Public / Attributes


public attribute BaseDeclaration → (get)

value : CxDeclarationType

The base class type or null if this is not a class type (see Semantic), if this class type represents the simple type CxTypeSimple.Obj or if the base type cannot be resolved.

Returns the base class type of this class type.


public attribute BaseType → (get)

value : CxType

The base class type or null if this is not a class type (see Semantic) or if this class type represents the simple type CxTypeSimple.Obj.

Returns the base class type of this class type.


public attribute Constructors → (get)

value : IVectorConst<CxMemberConstructor>

The list of declared constructors.

Returns the constructors that are declared by this type.

Constructors are referenced by instanced of CxExpressionNew.


public attribute DefaultConstructor → (get)

value : CxMemberConstructor

The default constructor.

Returns the default constructor of this type.

If the type does not declare a default constructor explicitly, the implicit default constructor is used. In such a case, the returned CxMemberConstructor will not be included in the list of declared constructors (see Constructors).


public attribute MethodGroups → (get)

value : ISortedMapConst<CxId, CxMethodGroup>

The declared methods, grouped by their ICxIdContainer.Name.

Returns the methods that are declared by this type.

A method group with more than one entry must be disambiguated by signature, see CxExpressionCall and CxXmlDocReference.


public attribute Regions → (get)

value : IVectorConst<CxRegion>

The region list.

Returns the regions of this type declaration.


public attribute Semantic → (get)

value : int32

< 0 : this is a struct declaration,
= 0 : this is a class declaration,
> 0 : this is an interface declaration

Returns the semantic of this type declaration.