

struct Tinman.Engine.GUI.Layout

Layout descriptor for GUI components in a LayoutGrid.

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute Default → (Layout)

Default layout settings.

The following default layout settings are defined:


public static readonly attribute None → (Layout)

Empty layout settings.

Public / Constructors


2 overloads

public static method At1 → (1)

grid in : Box2I

The grid position.

returns → Layout

The Layout value.

Returns a new Layout value that places the component at the given grid position.

The returned layout value is based on None and only specifies the layout grid bounds.

public static method At2 → (4)

in : int32

The grid X-position.

in : int32

The grid Y-position.

width opt : int32 = 1

The grid span width, in cells.

height opt : int32 = 1

The grid span height, in cells.

returns → Layout

The Layout value.

Returns a new Layout value that places the component at the given grid position.

The returned layout value is based on None and only specifies the layout grid bounds.

Public / Methods


public method Align → (1)

align in : Anchor

The alignment of the component in its layout grid cell.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the layout grid cell align of the component.


public method Compact → ()

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies zero margin and insets.


public method Fill → (1)

fill in : Axis

The fill axes.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies how the component shall fill its layout grid cell.


public method Grow → (1)

grow in : Axis

The grow axes.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies whether the layout grid cell can grow in order to compensate for additional missing space.


3 overloads

public method Insets1 → (1)

insets in : int32

The container insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.

public method Insets2 → (1)

insets in : Edging

The container insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.

public method Insets3 → (4)

insetTop in : int32

The top insets.

insetLeft in : int32

The left insets.

insetBottom in : int32

The bottom insets.

insetRight in : int32

The right insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.


public method InsetsBottom → (1)

insetBottom in : int32

The bottom insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.


public method InsetsLeft → (1)

insetLeft in : int32

The left insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.


public method InsetsRight → (1)

insetRight in : int32

The right insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.


public method InsetsTop → (1)

insetTop in : int32

The top insets.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the insets of the container.


2 overloads

public method Limit1 → (1)

size in : Vec2I

The maximum size, in pixels.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the maximum size of the component.

public method Limit2 → (2)

width in : int32

The maximum width, in pixels.

height in : int32

The maximum height, in pixels.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the maximum size of the component.


3 overloads

public method Margin1 → (1)

margin in : int32

The component margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.

public method Margin2 → (1)

margin in : Edging

The component margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.

public method Margin3 → (4)

marginTop in : int32

The top margin.

marginLeft in : int32

The left margin.

marginBottom in : int32

The bottom margin.

marginRight in : int32

The right margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.


public method MarginBottom → (1)

marginBottom in : int32

The bottom margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.


public method MarginLeft → (1)

marginLeft in : int32

The left margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.


public method MarginRight → (1)

marginRight in : int32

The right margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.


public method MarginTop → (1)

marginTop in : int32

The top margin.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the margin of the component.


public method SetDefault → (1)

other in : Layout

The other layout values.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Checks which layout properties are specified by other in but not by this layout and copies them to this layout.


public method Shrink → (1)

shrink in : Axis

The shrink axes.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies whether the layout grid cell can shrink in order to compensate for missing space.


2 overloads

public method Size1 → (1)

size in : Vec2I

The minimum size, in pixels.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the minimum size of the component.

public method Size2 → (2)

width in : int32

The minimum width, in pixels.

height in : int32

The minimum height, in pixels.

returns → Layout

The resulting Layout value.

Specifies the minimum size of the component.

Public / Attributes


public readonly attribute LayoutAlign → (Anchor)

The cell alignment.


public readonly attribute LayoutFill → (Axis)

The cell fill mode.


public readonly attribute LayoutGrid → (Box2I)

The cell bounds.


public readonly attribute LayoutGrow → (Axis)

The grow mode.


public readonly attribute LayoutInsets → (Edging)

The container insets.


public readonly attribute LayoutLimit → (Vec2I)

The maximum pixel size.


public readonly attribute LayoutMargin → (Edging)

The component margin.


public readonly attribute LayoutShrink → (Axis)

The shrink mode.


public readonly attribute LayoutSize → (Vec2I)

The minimum pixel size.