Frustum Description class Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Frustum Derived from IFrustum Extended by ViewFrustum sealed Default implementation of the IFrustum interface. Public / Constructors Frustum public constructor Frustum → (1) planeCount in : int32 [0..31] The number of frustum planes. Creates a new frustum. Public / Methods PlaneAt 2 overloads public method PlaneAt2 → (2) index in : int32 [0..IFrustum.PlaneCount-1] The frustum plane index. plane in : Plane The frustum plane. Sets the index in-th frustum plane. Transform public method Transform → (1) transform in : Mat4D The transformation matrix. Transforms the planes of this frustum using Plane.Transform. Translate public method Translate → (1) offset in : Vec3D The translation offset. Translates the planes of this frustum using Plane.Translate DistanceToGround FrustumCulling