

struct Tinman.Core.Privileges.PrivilegeInfo

Represents the set of information that is used by an implementation of IPrivilegePredicate in order to check whether to grant a privilege.

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute None → (PrivilegeInfo)

Public / Constructors


2 overloads

public static method For1 → (1)

location in : Path

See Location.

returns → PrivilegeInfo

The created PrivilegeInfo object.

Creates a new instance of PrivilegeInfo.

public static method For2 → (2)

identifier in : string

See Identifier.

ordinal opt : int32 = 0

See Ordinal.

returns → PrivilegeInfo

The created PrivilegeInfo object.

Creates a new instance of PrivilegeInfo.


public constructor PrivilegeInfo → (3)

location in : Path

See Location.

identifier in : string

See Identifier.

ordinal in : int32

See Ordinal.

Creates a new instance of PrivilegeInfo.

Public / Methods


public override method ToString → ()

returns → string

The string representation.

Returns a string representation of this privilege information.

The string representation has the following format:

{ Location=... Identifier=... Ordinal=... }

Each part is only present if the corresponding flag is contained in Flags.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Flags → (get)

value : PrivilegeFlags

The effective flags.

Returns the effective flags of this privilege information.


public readonly attribute Identifier → (string)

The name that identifies the entity which the privilege is targeted at.

Will be null if not used.


public readonly attribute Location → (Path)

The location of the entity which the privilege is targeted at.

Will be null if not used.


public readonly attribute Ordinal → (int32)

The ordinal value that is associated with the entity which the privilege is targeted at.

Will be 0 if not used.