

class Tinman.Core.System.ObjectPool
<T ref : IMemoryConsumption>

Derived from

ObjectPoolBase abstract

Extended by

ByteBufferPool sealed

A thread-safe object pool that is capable of properly pooling IDisposable object.

See also


Public / Constructors


public constructor ObjectPool → (5)

name in : string

The name of this object pool.

factory in : IObjectPoolFactory<T>

The pool object factory to use.

maximumCount opt : int32 = 0

Maximum number of pooled objects to hold. Set to 0 to disable.

maximumMemory opt : int32 = 0

Maximum memory to hold with pooled objects (estimated). Set to 0 to disable.

monitor opt : Monitor own = null

The monitor object to use for synchronization or null to use a private instance.

Creates a new instance of ObjectPool.

Public / Attributes


public attribute LimitCount → (get,set)

value : int32

The limit or 0 if unlimited.

The limit for the maximum number of objects that may be present in the pool.


public attribute LimitMemory → (get,set)

value : int64

The limit in bytes or 0 if unlimited.

The limit for the maximum amount of memory consumed by the objects in the pool.