IBoxOps Description [StaticTemplate] interface Tinman.Terrain.Util.IBoxOps → <TBox val : IBoxOps<TBox, TCoords, TCoord>> → <TCoords val> → <TCoord in val> Derived from IEquatable<TBox> Extended by IBox2Ops IBox3Ops Defines common operations for box values. Public / Methods CheckIntersection [Pure] public method CheckIntersection → (1) box in : TBox The other bounding box. returns → int32 -1 if the bounding boxes do not overlap, 1 if box in fully contains this bounding box and 0 if both bounding boxes overlap. Checks the intersection between this bounding box and the given one. Clamp [Pure] public method Clamp → (1) point in : TCoords The point coordinates. returns → TCoords The clamped point. Clamps the given point to this box. Contains 2 overloads [Pure] public method Contains1 → (1) point in : TCoords The point coordinates. returns → bool true if this box contains the point, false if not. Checks if this box contains the given point. [Pure] public method Contains2 → (1) box in : TBox The other box. returns → bool true if this box fully contains the given box, false if not. Checks if this box contains the given box. Disjoint [Pure] public method Disjoint → (1) box in : TBox The other box. returns → bool true if this box and the given box are disjoint, false if not. Checks if this box and the given box are disjoint (i.e. do not intersect). Grow 2 overloads [Pure] public method Grow1 → (1) box in : TBox To other box. returns → TBox The resulting box. Enlarges the extends of this box so that it covers the given box. [Pure] public method Grow2 → (1) point in : TCoords Coordinates of point to cover (can be undefined). returns → TBox The resulting box. Enlarges the extends of this box so that it covers the given point. Intersect [Pure] public method Intersect → (1) box in : TBox The bounding box. returns → TBox The resulting bounding box. Computes the intersection of the given bounding box and this one. Pad [Pure] public method Pad → (1) amount in : TCoord The amount to grow. returns → TBox The resulting box Uniformly pads (i.e. grows) this box by the given amount in. Translate [Pure] public method Translate → (1) v in : TCoords The translation vector. returns → TBox The translated bounding box. Translates this bounding box. Public / Attributes Center public attribute Center → (get) value : TCoords The coordinates of the box center. Return the center of this box. IsEmpty public attribute IsEmpty → (get) value : bool true if this bounding box is empty, false if not. Is this bounding box empty? IsInverse public attribute IsInverse → (get) value : bool true if this is the inverse bounding box, false if not. Is this the inverse bounding box? IBoxFOps IColorRamp