CameraFocus Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Entities.CameraFocus Derived from SceneEntityBase abstract A scene entity that focuses cameras onto a given set of things of interest. Public / Constructors CameraFocus public constructor CameraFocus → (2) pointsOfInterest in : PointsOfInterest [not-null] The points of interest. order opt : int32 = 0 See ISceneObject.Order. Creates a new instance of PointsOfInterest. Public / Methods Add public method Add → (1) focus in : ICameraFocus [not-null] The camera focus target to add. returns → CameraFocus this Adds the given camera focus target. Clear public method Clear → () Removes all camera focus targets. Remove public method Remove → (1) focus in : ICameraFocus [not-null] The camera focus target to remove. returns → CameraFocus this Removes the given camera focus target. CameraCenter CameraFree