

sealed class Tinman.Core.Validating.Validator

Derived from

EnumerableBase<IValidateMessage> abstract

A utility class for validating object graphs and reporting error and warning messages.

The IVersioned.Version property returns the message count ( CountMessages).

Public / Constructors


public constructor Validator → ()

Creates a new instance of Validator.

Public / Methods


public method BeginContext → (1)

context in : object

The context object.

Uses the given context object for subsequent validation.

See also



public method BeginEntry → (2)

key in : string

The entry key.

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit if subsequent validation fails.

A dictionary entry of the current value is about to be validated.

See also



public method BeginIndex → (2)

index in : int32

The array index.

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit if subsequent validation fails.

An array element of the current value is about to be validated.

See also



public method BeginMember → (2)

name in : string

The member name.

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit if subsequent validation fails.

A named member of the current value is about to be validated.

See also



public method End → ()

Validation of the most recent element has finished.


public method Message → (1)

message in : IValidateMessage

The message.

Emits a validation message.


public method MessageEntry → (3)

key in : string

The entry key.

message in : IValidateMessage

The message.

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit for the message.

Emits a validation message for a dictionary entry.


public method MessageIndex → (3)

index in : int32

The element index.

message in : IValidateMessage

The message

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit for the message.

Emits a validation message for an array element.


public method MessageMember → (3)

name in : string

The member name.

message in : IValidateMessage

The message

culprit opt : ICodeRange = null

The object to report as the culprit for the message.

Emits a validation message for a named member.


2 overloads

public method Messages1 → (1)

result in : ValidateResult

The validation result.

Emits validation messages.

public method Messages2 → (1)

messages in : IEnumerable<IValidateMessage>

The messages or null.

Emits validation messages.


public method ValidateEntry → (2)

name in : string

The entry name.

validatable in : IValidatable

The object to validate. If null, no validation will be performed.

Convenience method that calls IValidatable.Validate on the given validatable in object, passing this as argument and wrapping the call in BeginEntry and End.


public method ValidateIndex → (2)

index in : int32

The element index.

validatable in : IValidatable

The object to validate. If null, no validation will be performed.

Convenience method that calls IValidatable.Validate on the given validatable in object, passing this as argument and wrapping the call in BeginIndex and End.


public method ValidateMember → (2)

name in : string

The member name.

validatable in : IValidatable

The object to validate. If null, no validation will be performed.

Convenience method that calls IValidatable.Validate on the given validatable in object, passing this as argument and wrapping the call in BeginMember and End.

Public / Attributes


public attribute CountErrors → (get)

value : int32

The number of error messages.

Returns the number of error messages.

The count can be used to detect if a call to IValidatable.Validate has emitted error messages.


public attribute CountMessages → (get)

value : int32

The number of validation messages.

Returns the number of validation messages.

The count can be used to detect if a call to IValidatable.Validate has emitted some messages.


public attribute CountWarning → (get)

value : int32

The number of warning messages.

Returns the number of warning messages.

The count can be used to detect if a call to IValidatable.Validate has emitted warning messages.


public attribute HasErrors → (get)

value : bool

true if there is at least one error, false if not.

Have there been any errors during validation so far?


public attribute HasMessages → (get)

value : bool

true if there is at least one error or warning, false if not.

Have there been any messages (errors / warnings) during validation so far?


public attribute HasWarnings → (get)

value : bool

true if there is at least one warning, false if not.

Have there been any warnings during validation so far?


public attribute Result → (get)

value : ValidateResult

The validation result.

Returns the current validation result.