

interface Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.IMapTransform

Base interface for classes that establish a transformation between map coordinate space and dataset coordinate space.

The methods of this interface refer to the following coordinate space definitions:

  • Dataset space:
    Coordinates that refer to samples in a rectangular or cubemap dataset, see DatasetSpace. For rectangular datasets, the Z-coordinate of cubemap coordinates will always be 0 and the cubemap face will always be CubemapFace.NegZ.

  • Map space:
    Coordinates that refer to locations in a geo-referencing coordinate system, see MapSpace.

These methods (including their overloads) accept or return geographic coordinates in terms of the base geographic coordinate system of dataset space:

For the methods inherited from ICoordinateTransform (including their overloads), geographic coordinates are interpreted in terms of the base geographic coordinate system of map space:

Dataset space and map space may have different base geographic coordinate systems.

Public / Methods


2 overloads

public method DatasetToGeographic1 → (3)

cubeX in : float64

The cubemap X-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeY in : float64

The cubemap Y-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeZ in : float64

The cubemap Z-coordinate in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public method DatasetToGeographic2 → (3)

faceX in : float64

The cubemap face X-coordinate in dataset space.

faceY in : float64

The cubemap face Y-coordinate in dataset space.

face opt : CubemapFace = CubemapFace.NegZ

The cubemap face in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.


2 overloads

public method DatasetToMap1 → (3)

cubeX in : float64

The cubemap X-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeY in : float64

The cubemap Y-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeZ in : float64

The cubemap Z-coordinate in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.

public method DatasetToMap2 → (3)

faceX in : float64

The cubemap face X-coordinate in dataset space.

faceY in : float64

The cubemap face Y-coordinate in dataset space.

face opt : CubemapFace = CubemapFace.NegZ

The cubemap face in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.


public method GeographicToDatasetCube → (2)

latitude in : float64

Latitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

longitude in : float64

Longitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → Vec3D

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be Vec3D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.


public method GeographicToDatasetFace → (2)

latitude in : float64

Latitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

longitude in : float64

Longitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → CubemapFaceCoordsD

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be CubemapFaceCoordsD.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.


public method MapToDatasetCube → (2)

mapX in : float64

The X-coordinate in map space.

mapY in : float64

The Y-coordinate in map space.

returns → Vec3D

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be Vec3D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from map space to dataset space.


public method MapToDatasetFace → (2)

mapX in : float64

The X-coordinate in map space.

mapY in : float64

The Y-coordinate in map space.

returns → CubemapFaceCoordsD

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be CubemapFaceCoordsD.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from map space to dataset space.

Public / Attributes


public attribute DatasetSpace → (get)

value : IGeorefInfo

The coordinate system specification of dataset space. The IGeorefInfo.Georef property will always return a non-null value.

Returns the coordinate system specification of dataset space.


public attribute MapBounds → (get)

value : Box2D

The coordinate bounds of map space. Will be Box2D.Max if map space is not bounded.

Returns the coordinate bounds of map space.


public attribute MapSpace → (get)

value : CoordinateSystem

The coordinate system of map space.

The geo-referencing coordinate system of map space.

Coordinates are given in the horizontal unit of the coordinate system, see CoordinateSystem.HorizontalUnit.



4 overloads

public static method DatasetToGeographic1 → (1)

cube in : Vec3D

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographic2 → (1)

cube in : Vec3I

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographic3 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsD

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographic4 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsI

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The resulting longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.


6 overloads

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon1 → (3)

cubeX in : float64

The cubemap X-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeY in : float64

The cubemap Y-coordinate in dataset space.

cubeZ in : float64

The cubemap Z-coordinate in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon2 → (1)

cube in : Vec3D

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon3 → (1)

cube in : Vec3I

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon4 → (3)

faceX in : float64

The cubemap face X-coordinate in dataset space.

faceY in : float64

The cubemap face Y-coordinate in dataset space.

face opt : CubemapFace = CubemapFace.NegZ

The cubemap face in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon5 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsD

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.

public static method DatasetToGeographicLatLon6 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsI

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → LatLon

The resulting latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space. Will be LatLon.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to geographic latitude and longitude.


4 overloads

public static method DatasetToMap1 → (1)

cube in : Vec3D

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.

public static method DatasetToMap2 → (1)

cube in : Vec3I

The cubemap coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.

public static method DatasetToMap3 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsD

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.

public static method DatasetToMap4 → (1)

face in : CubemapFaceCoordsI

The cubemap face coordinates in dataset space.

returns → Vec2D

The coordinates in map space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from dataset space to map space.


2 overloads

public static method GeographicToDatasetCube1 → (1)

lonLat in : Vec2D

The longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → Vec3D

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be Vec3D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.

public static method GeographicToDatasetCube2 → (1)

latLon in : LatLon

Latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → Vec3D

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be Vec3D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.


2 overloads

public static method GeographicToDatasetFace1 → (1)

lonLat in : Vec2D

The longitude (Vec2D.X) and latitude (Vec2D.Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → CubemapFaceCoordsD

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be CubemapFaceCoordsD.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.

public static method GeographicToDatasetFace2 → (1)

latLon in : LatLon

Latitude and longitude, in terms of horizontal datum of dataset space.

returns → CubemapFaceCoordsD

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be CubemapFaceCoordsD.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from geographic latitude and longitude to dataset space.


public static method IsDatasetSpaceGeographic → ()

returns → bool

true if dataset space has a base geographic coordinate system,
false if it does not.

Returns whether the dataset space of this map transform has a base geographic coordinate system.


public static method IsMapSpaceGeographic → ()

returns → bool

true if map space has a base geographic coordinate system,
false if it does not.

Returns whether the map space of this map transform has a base geographic coordinate system.


public static method MapToDatasetCube → (1)

map in : Vec2D

The coordinates in map space.

returns → Vec3D

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be Vec2D.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from map space to dataset space.


public static method MapToDatasetFace → (1)

map in : Vec2D

The coordinates in map space.

returns → CubemapFaceCoordsD

The coordinates in dataset space. Will be CubemapFaceCoordsD.Undefined if the transformation is not possible.

Transforms the given coordinates from map space to dataset space.