- Derived from
GeoObject abstract
Describes a coordinate system for geo-referencing.
A geographic coordinate system (IsGeographic is true
) has the following X
and Y
: Geodetic latitude
Angle from the equatorial plane to the perpendicular to the ellipsoid through a given point, northwards treated as positive. -
: Geodetic longitude
Angle from the prime meridian plane to the meridian plane passing through the given point, eastwards treated as positive.
A projected coordinate system (IsProjection is true
) has the following X
and Y
: Easting
East pointing axis used in 2D projected coordinate systems. -
: Northing
North pointing axis used in 2D projected coordinate systems.
A local coordinate system (IsLocal is true
) has the following axes:
Horizontal coordinate without additional semantic. -
Vertical coordinate without additional semantic.
The standard Z
axis for a coordinate system is (Vertical is null
: Ellipsoidal height
Distance of a point from the ellipsoid measured along the perpendicular from the ellipsoid to this point. Positive if upwards or outside of the ellipsoid.
Vertical coordinate systems (Vertical is not null
) have a different Z
axis, usually gravity-related height or depth.
Public / Constants
WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
This coordinate system is used by popular web mapping applications.
The maximum absolute map coordinate value of PopularMercator.
These are the bounds of a square PopularMercator map:
180°W => -X 180°E => +X Y°S => -Y Y°N => +Y
where X
is PopularMercatorCoordinate and Y
is PopularMercatorLatitudeDeg
The absolute latitude (in degrees) that results in a map coordinate that is equal to PopularMercatorCoordinate.
The absolute latitude (in radians that results in a map coordinate that is equal to PopularMercatorCoordinate.
World Geodetic System 1984 (2D)
This coordinate system is supposed to be used when the Z-axis (height) is irrelevant.
World Geodetic System 1984 (3D)
This is the same as WGS84, except that this coordinate system explicitly uses ellipsoid height as the Z-axis.
Public / Constructors
Creates a new instance of CoordinateSystem based on the given well-known text representation (WKT) of a coordinate reference system.
The given string must match the following Grammar:
wkt := value ; obj := id !> open null* values close ; !value := obj | str | num ; values := value (',' null* value)* null* ; num := float ; !id := letter (letter | digit)* ; !close := ']' | ')' ; letter := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' ; null := ',' ; !open := '[' | '(' ; str := '"' (]"[ | '""')* '"' ;
- ValidatingException
If the given wkt in source code is malformed or invalid.
Creates a topocentric coordinate system.
This method delegates to CoordinateOperationMethod.Topocentric using the CoordinateOperationMethod depicted by method opt.
Public / Methods
Creates a ICoordinateTransform for this projected or geographic coordinate system.
- GeorefException
If the geo-reference parameters are incomplete or invalid.
Creates a ICoordinateTransform for this projected or geographic coordinate system.
Creates a cubemap face geographic coordinate system based on this coordinate system.
First, the projection is removed (if present). Then, a cubemap face projection (see CoordinateOperationMethod.Face) is constructed based on the ellipsoid.
Returns the base geographic coordinate system by removing the projection.
If this coordinate system if already geographic (see IsGeographic) or local (see IsLocal), this method returns this
Computes a combined rotation/scaling matrix that transforms from this projected 3D coordinate system to terrain local-space, as defined by IGeometry.ComputeLocal1.
For computing the transformation matrix, this method takes the Flags and ProjectionUnit properties into account.
Public / Attributes
Returns the approximate scale factor from the geographic unit to the horizontal unit.
The returned scale factor has the highest precision at the equator.
Returns the horizontal unit of measure.
Depending on the coordinate system type, the horizontal unit of measure is either the local unit, projected unit or the unit of the ellipsoid of the geodetic datum.
Is this a geographic coordinate system?
Geographic coordinate system use geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude), which are specified in angular units. A coordinate system can either be geographic, projected or local.
Is this a local coordinate system?
Local coordinate systems use custom map coordinates, which are specified in length units. A coordinate system can either be geographic, projected or local.
Is this a projected coordinate system?
Projected coordinate systems use map coordinates (easting, northing), which are specified in length units. A coordinate system can either be geographic, projected or local.
Does this coordinate system include vertical coordinates that are different from ellipsoid height?