

sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Util.Points

Helper class that performs common computations on a list of points in 3D space.

Public / Constructors


public constructor Points → ()

Creates a new instance of Points.

Public / Methods


3 overloads

public method Add1 → (2)

point in : Vec3F

The point coordinates.

weight opt : float64 = 1

Optional point weight.

Adds a point.

public method Add2 → (2)

point in : Vec3D

The point coordinates.

weight opt : float64 = 1

Optional point weight.

Adds a point.

public method Add3 → (4)

in : float64

The point X-coordinate.

in : float64

The point Y-coordinate.

in : float64

The point Z-coordinate.

weight opt : float64 = 1

Optional point weight.

Adds a point.


public method AveragePlane → ()

returns → Plane

The average plane.

Computes an average plane for the given points.


public method BoundingBox → ()

returns → Box3D

The axis-aligned bounding box.

Computes the smallest axis-aligned bounding box that contains all points.


public method BoundingCuboid → ()

returns → Cuboid

The bounding cuboid.

Computes a bounding cuboid aligned to the principal axes that contain all points.


public method BoundingSphere → ()

returns → Sphere

The bounding sphere.

Computes a non-minimal bounding sphere that contains all points.

This method uses Ritter’s algorithm:


public method Clear → ()

Clears all points from the list.


public method Get → (1)

idx in : int32

The point index.

returns → Vec3D

The point coordinates.

Returns the idx in-th point, as it has been added (without weight).


public method MeanPosition → ()

returns → Vec3D

The mean point position.

Computes the mean point position.


public method PrincipalAxis → (1)

in : int32

The axis to return (0 : most significant, 2 : least significant).

returns → Vec3D

The unit-length principal axis vector.

Returns the principal axis of the points.


public method PrincipalMatrix → ()

returns → Mat3D

The rotation matrix, which maps the X-, Y- and Z-axis to the principal axes 0, 1 and 2.

Returns a rotation matrix for the principal axes of the points.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Count → (get)

value : int32

The number of points.

Returns the number of points in the list.