CompositeShapeTwo Description abstract class Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.CompositeShapeTwo Derived from ShapeBase abstract Abstract base class for IShape implementations that aggregate two other IShape objects. The following members delegate to the aggregated shapes: IShapeInfo.Georef IShape.IsEmpty IShapeInfo.Metadata IShape.ValueAt IShapeInfo.ValueMask IShape.VertexAt IShapeInfo.VertexCount Protected / Constructors CompositeShapeTwo protected constructor CompositeShapeTwo → (3) serialId in : ISerialTypeInfo [not-null] The serial type ID. first opt : IShape = null The first aggregated shape. second opt : IShape = null The second aggregated shape. Creates a new instance of CompositeShapeTwo. Protected / Methods DoUpdate 3 overloads protected abstract method DoUpdate3 → (2) first in : IShape The first aggregated shape. second in : IShape The second aggregated shape. returns → IShape The new composite shape. Creates a new composite shape of this type. Protected / Attributes first protected attribute first → (IShape) The first shape. second protected attribute second → (IShape) The second shape. CompositeShapeOne IShape