

interface Tinman.Engine.Scenes.ISceneView3D

Derived from


Extended by

SceneView sealed

Represents a three-dimensional view into a scene.

Public / Methods


public method DistanceToCamera → (1)

point in : Vec3D

The point.

returns → float64

The distance of point in to the camera.

Computes the distance between the given point and the current camera position.


public method DistanceToGround → ()

returns → float64

The distance of the camera position to the ground.

Computes the distance to the ground, in any direction.


public method HeadingToNorth → ()

returns → Vec2D

The heading angle, in degrees (0 is North, 90 is West, 180 is South, 270 is West):
Vec2D.X : the heading of the camera forward direction,
Vec2D.Y : the heading of the camera up direction

Computes the heading angle to North.


public method InclinationToGround → ()

returns → float64

The inclination angle, in degrees (0 is horizontal, -90 is vertical down, 90 is vertical up.

Computes the inclination angle to the ground, not taking into account the elevation model.


public method Project → (3)

size in : float64

The size to project.

distance in : float64

The distance to the camera.

worldToScreen in : bool

true to project world-space to screen-space,
false to project screen-space to world-space.

returns → float64

The projected size.

Projects the given size between screen-space and world-space.


4 overloads

public method ScreenRay1 → (1)

in : Vec2I

The pixel coordinates.

returns → Ray

The screen ray. Will be Ray.Undefined iff the given coordinates are outside of the scene view bounds (see ISceneView.Bounds).

Casts a ray into the scene view.

The ray will run through the center of the pixel.

public method ScreenRay2 → (2)

in : int32

The pixel X-coordinate.

in : int32

The pixel Y-coordinate.

returns → Ray

The screen ray. Will be Ray.Undefined iff the given coordinates are outside of the scene view bounds (see ISceneView.Bounds).

Casts a ray into the scene view.

The ray will run through the center of the pixel.

public method ScreenRay3 → (1)

in : Vec2F

The screen coordinates.

returns → Ray

The screen ray. Will be Ray.Undefined iff the given coordinates are outside of the scene view bounds (see ISceneView.Bounds).

Casts a ray into the scene view.

The screen coordinates (0,0) refer to the top-left corner of the screen, and (w,h) refer to the bottom-right corner.

public method ScreenRay4 → (2)

in : float32

The screen X-coordinate.

in : float32

The screen Y-coordinate.

returns → Ray

The screen ray. Will be Ray.Undefined iff the given coordinates are outside of the scene view bounds (see ISceneView.Bounds).

Casts a ray into the scene view.

The screen coordinates (0,0) refer to the top-left corner of the screen, and (w,h) refer to the bottom-right corner.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Camera → (get)

value : Camera

The Camera object.

The camera of this scene view.


public attribute Terrain → (get)

value : TerrainView

The terrain view object.

The terrain view of this scene view.

The following properties of TerrainView are managed by this ISceneView3D object and should not be modified by client code:


public attribute Viewport → (get)

value : ICameraViewportDepth

The CameraViewport object.

The viewport of this scene view.