

abstract class Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.NoiseFunction
<TValue val : IEquatable<TValue>>

Derived from

SerializableBase abstract

Extended by

ColorFunction abstract
ScalarFunction abstract
VectorFunction abstract

Abstract base class for INoiseFunction implementations.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor NoiseFunction → (4)

serialType in : ISerialTypeInfo

The serial ID.

valueNegative in : bool

Can values be negative?

valueZero in : TValue

The zero-element value.

valueOne in : TValue

The one-element value.

Creates a new instance of NoiseFunction.

Protected / Methods


protected abstract method EqualValue → (2)

in : TValue

The first noise value.

in : TValue

The second noise value.

returns → bool

true if in and in are equal,
false if they are different.

Checks if the given noise values are equal.


protected method SimplifyAdd → (2)

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The first noise function.

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The second noise function.

returns → INoiseFunction<TValue>

The simplified term or null if there is none.

Tries to simplify the term a + b.


protected method SimplifyMul → (2)

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The first noise function.

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The second noise function.

returns → INoiseFunction<TValue>

The simplified term or null if there is none.

Tries to simplify the term a * b.


protected method SimplifySub → (2)

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The first noise function.

in : INoiseFunction<TValue>

The second noise function.

returns → INoiseFunction<TValue>

The simplified term or null if there is none.

Tries to simplify the term a-+ b.


protected virtual method ValueNeg → (1)

value in : TValue

The noise value.

returns → TValue

The resulting noise value.

Negates the given noise value, so that value + (-value) = 0.