

enum Tinman.Terrain.Georef.UnitOfMeasureType

Enumeration of types of UnitOfMeasure values.

Each unit type has a default unit, which is most commonly used to specify values. A separate base unit is used to perform numeric conversions between units of the same type. The default unit and the base unit are not necessarily identical.

Public / Constants


public constant Length → (0:int32)

A measurement of length.

The default unit of this type is UnitOfMeasure.Metre. The base unit is identical to the default unit.


public constant Angle → (1:int32)

A measurement of angle.

The default unit of this type is UnitOfMeasure.Degree. The base unit is UnitOfMeasure.Radian.


public constant Scale → (2:int32)

A measurement of scale only (i.e. no actual unit).

The default unit of this type is UnitOfMeasure.Unity. The base unit is identical to the default unit.