- Derived from
TerrainTransform abstract
A ITerrainTransform that rotates model-space around the given yaw, pitch and roll angles, in order to transform to a local coordinate system (see LocalTransform).
The rotations (around the point defined by ICenterLocalProperty.Center) are performed in the following order, to transform from model-space to the local coordinate system:
Translation by negated ICenterLocalProperty.Center, so that the center of rotation becomes the coordinate origin.
Clockwise rotation in direction of positive Z-axis with Roll angle.
In terms of an aircraft, positive roll angles lift the left wing and lower the right wing. -
Clockwise rotation in direction of negative ( CartesianHandedness.RightHanded) resp. positive ( CartesianHandedness.LeftHanded) X-axis with Pitch angle.
In terms of an aircraft, positive pitch angles raise the nose and lower the tail. -
Clockwise rotation in direction of negative Y-axis with Yaw angle.
In terms of an aircraft, positive yaw angles move the nose to the right and the tail to the left. -
Translation by ICenterLocalProperty.Center, to restore the original center of rotation.
This corresponds to these descriptions:
The following static method may be used to general-purpose computations regarding yaw, pitch and roll angles: