

static class Tinman.Core.TinmanCorePrivileges

The access privileges for the TinmanCoreModule.

See also


Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute ConsoleOpen → (Privilege)

Allows the Terminal.Window method to open a new console window on the system desktop?


public static readonly attribute ConsoleRead → (Privilege)

Allows the Terminal class to read from the console, i.e. the standard input stream of the process.


public static readonly attribute ConsoleWrite → (Privilege)

Allows the Terminal class to write to the console, i.e. the standard output stream of the process.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryCreate → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to create a new directory in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the directory path, with Path.IsCanonical and Path.IsTrailing being true.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryCurrentGet → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to discover the current directory of the process.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryCurrentSet → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to change the current directory of the process.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryDelete → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to delete a directory in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the directory path, with Path.IsCanonical and Path.IsTrailing being true.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryList → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to list the subdirectories that exist in a specific directory in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the directory path, with Path.IsCanonical and Path.IsTrailing being true.


public static readonly attribute DirectoryRename → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to rename an existing directory in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the directory path, with Path.IsCanonical and Path.IsTrailing being true.


public static readonly attribute EnvironmentVariableGet → (Privilege)

Allows the LowLevel.GetVariable method to read the value of an environment variable.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : name of the environment variable


public static readonly attribute EnvironmentVariableSet → (Privilege)

Allows to change the value of environment variables.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : name of the environment variable


public static readonly attribute FileCreate → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to create a new file in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the file path, with Path.IsCanonical being true and Path.IsTrailing being false.


public static readonly attribute FileDelete → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to delete a file in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the file path, with Path.IsCanonical being true and Path.IsTrailing being false.


public static readonly attribute FileList → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to list the files that exist in a specific directory in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the directory path, with Path.IsCanonical and Path.IsTrailing being true.


public static readonly attribute FileOpenRead → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to open an existing file in the local filesystem in read-only mode.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the file path, with Path.IsCanonical being true and Path.IsTrailing being false.


public static readonly attribute FileOpenWrite → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to open an existing file in the local filesystem in read-write mode.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the file path, with Path.IsCanonical being true and Path.IsTrailing being false.


public static readonly attribute FileRename → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to rename an existing file in the local filesystem.

PrivilegeInfo.Location : the file path, with Path.IsCanonical being true and Path.IsTrailing being false.


public static readonly attribute FileSystemRoots → (Privilege)

Allows the LocalFileSystem class to discover the filesystem roots.


public static readonly attribute HttpOpenRequest → (Privilege)

Allows the SimpleHttp class to perform HTTP web requests to a specific resources.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : the target URL


public static readonly attribute LibraryLoad → (Privilege)

Allows the NativeLibrary class to load native dynamic link libraries and to call their native functions.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : the library name.


public static readonly attribute SocketOpenConnection → (Privilege)

Allows the SocketEndPoint class to establish a connection to a remote machine.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : the hostname to connect to
PrivilegeInfo.Ordinal : the port number


public static readonly attribute SocketOpenServer → (Privilege)

Allows the SocketEndPoint class to create a socket server using a local network interface.

PrivilegeInfo.Identifier : the hostname to bind the server to
PrivilegeInfo.Ordinal : the port number