ILightProvider Description interface Tinman.Engine.Components.ILightProvider Extended by EnvironmentMapResource sealed IEnvironmentMap Base interface for classes that provide information about the primary light source in a 3D scene. Public / Methods SetLight public method SetLight → (4) altitude in : float64 Latitude of the prominent light in this environment map (see LightAltitude). azimuth in : float64 Longitude of the prominent light in this environment map (see LightAzimuth). size in : float64 Apparent size of prominent light in this environment map, in degrees (see LightSize). scale opt : float64 = 1 [>0] The high-dynamic range scale factor of this environment (see LightScale). Configures the prominent light. Public / Attributes LightAltitude public attribute LightAltitude → (get) value : float64 [-90..90] The altitude angle in degrees or Maths.NanD if there is no prominent light. Altitude angle of the prominent light in the scene, if applicable. See also ILightProvider.LightVector LightAzimuth public attribute LightAzimuth → (get) value : float64 [-180..180] The azimuth angle in degrees or Maths.NanD if there is no prominent light. Azimuth angle of the prominent light in the scene, if applicable. See also ILightProvider.LightVector LightScale public attribute LightScale → (get) value : float64 [>=0] The high-dynamic range scale factor. The high-dynamic range scale factor of this light provider. See also IEnvironmentMap.MaximumEnvironmentColor LightSize public attribute LightSize → (get) value : float64 [>=0] The apparent diameter of the prominent light, given as an angle in degrees. Will be Maths.NanD if there is no prominent light. Apparent size of prominent light in the scene, if applicable. SetLightMask public attribute SetLightMask → (get) value : int32 Zero or more of the following bits: 1 : LightAltitude can be configured. 2 : LightAzimuth can be configured. 4 : LightSize can be configured. 8 : LightScale can be configured. Can the SetLight method be used to configure the prominent light? Extensions LightVector [Pure] public static method LightVector → () returns → Vec3D The unit-length light direction vector, see EnvironmentMap.Vector1. Computes the direction vector of the prominent light source. See also ILightProvider.LightAltitude ILightProvider.LightAzimuth SetLight public static method SetLight → (1) other in : ILightProvider [not-null] The light provider from which to copy the light settings. Configures the prominent light. IInstanceUpdater ILightingContainer