

static class Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapsUtil

Helper class for this namespace.

Public / Constants


public constant FirstLayer → (HeightmapLayer.Elevation:HeightmapLayer)

The first heightmap data layer.


public constant MaxCoord → (1073741824:int32)

The maximum value for heightmap coordinates (i.e. X, Y and Z).


public constant MaxSize → (1073741825:int32)

The maximum heightmap size.


public constant MinSize → (257:int32)

The minimum heightmap size.


The heightmap layers that depend on a VerticalRange value.

Public / Methods


public static method ComputeScaleToMaxSize → (1)

size in : int32

The heightmap size.

returns → int32

The scale factor.

Computes the factor to use to scale coordinates of a heightmap of the given size in to a heightmap of MaxSize.


public static method ComputeShiftToMaxSize → (1)

size in : int32

The heightmap size.

returns → int32

The number of bits to shift.

Computes the number of bits to shift in order to scale the coordinates of a heightmap of the given size in to a heightmap of MaxSize.


public static method ComputeSize → (2)

width in : int32

The heightmap width.

height opt : int32 = 0

The heightmap height.

returns → int32

The internal map size.

Computes the internal size for the given heightmap width and height.


public static method NextLayer → (1)

layer in : HeightmapLayer

The current data layer.

returns → HeightmapLayer

The next data layer or HeightmapLayer.None.

Returns the next data layer.

Heightmap layers are enumerated in this order:


2 overloads

public static method TranslateCoordinates1 → (3)

coords in : Vec3D

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeFrom in : int32

The source heightmap size.

sizeTo in : int32

The target heightmap size.

returns → Vec3D

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.

public static method TranslateCoordinates2 → (3)

coords in : Vec3I

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeFrom in : int32

The source heightmap size.

sizeTo in : int32

The target heightmap size.

returns → Vec3I

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.


2 overloads

public static method TranslateCoordinatesFromMaxSize1 → (2)

coords in : Vec3D

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeTo in : int32

The target heightmap size.

returns → Vec3D

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.

public static method TranslateCoordinatesFromMaxSize2 → (2)

coords in : Vec3I

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeTo in : int32

The target heightmap size.

returns → Vec3I

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.


2 overloads

public static method TranslateCoordinatesToMaxSize1 → (2)

coords in : Vec3D

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeFrom in : int32

The source heightmap size.

returns → Vec3D

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.

public static method TranslateCoordinatesToMaxSize2 → (2)

coords in : Vec3I

The source heightmap coordinates.

sizeFrom in : int32

The source heightmap size.

returns → Vec3I

The target heightmap coordinates.

Translates the given heightmap coordinates.

Public / Attributes


public static attribute CacheMemory → (get,set)

value : int32

The amount of cache memory, in megabytes. If 0, the default value will be used.

Size of the heightmap dataset cache.

The default value is 128 <= N/16 <= 2048, where N is the amount of total memory (see LowLevel.MemoryTotal), in megabytes.


public static attribute CacheObject → (get)

value : IDisposable

The cache object.

Returns the cache object.

The cache object is created when needed and disposed when no longer needed. By keeping the returned cache object alive, client code can avoid repeated creations / disposals if only one entity at a time is using the cache.



public static attribute ConfigHeightmapLayer → (get)

value : IConfiguratorEnum<HeightmapLayer>

The configurator object.

The configuration type for HeightmapLayer values.


public static attribute ConfigHeightmapLayers → (get)

value : IConfigurator<HeightmapLayer>

The configurator object.

The configuration type for HeightmapLayer values.



public static readonly attribute Logger → (ILogger)

The logger object of this class.