

enum Tinman.Engine.Drawing.LayoutAction

Enumeration of layout actions.

See also


Public / Constants


public constant Nothing → (0:int32)

No layout action needs to be performed.


public constant ArrangeComponents → (1:int32)

The components in the layout grid must be arranged.

This action is necessary after a change to any of the layout grid children:


public constant AdjustLayoutGridExtend → (2:int32)

The extends of the layout grid must be adjusted in order to fill the available space.

This action is necessary after a change to the layout grid container:

This action also triggers ArrangeComponents.


public constant ComputeLayoutGridExtend → (3:int32)

The extends of the layout grid needs to be computed.

This action is necessary after a change to the layout grid container:

This action is necessary after a change to any of the layout grid children:

This action also triggers AdjustLayoutGridExtend.


public constant CreateLayoutGrid → (4:int32)

The layout grid must be (re-) created.

This action is necessary after a change to the layout grid container:

This action is necessary after a change to any of the layout grid children:

This action also triggers ComputeLayoutGridExtend.