IValidateMessage Description interface Tinman.Core.Validating.IValidateMessage Derived from IEquatable<IValidateMessage> IComparable<IValidateMessage> Extended by ValidateMessage Base interface for classes that represent validation errors. Public / Methods Log public method Log → (1) logger in : ILogger [not-null] The logger to use for outputting this message. Outputs this message to the given logger in. Throw public method Throw → (1) source in : string The error source tag. returns → ValidatingException The ready-to-throw exception. Wraps this message in an exception. ToString public method ToString → (1) previous in : IValidateMessage The message that has been output before this one. Set to null if not known. This information may be used to remove redundant information from the string representation. returns → string The string representation. Returns a string representation of this message. Public / Attributes MessageContext public attribute MessageContext → (get,set) value : object The context object or null. The context object. MessagePath public attribute MessagePath → (get,set) value : ValidatePath The error path (will be ValidatePath.None) if no path is available. The model path that leads to the error source. MessageText public attribute MessageText → (get) value : string [not-null] The error message. Message that describes this error. MessageType public attribute MessageType → (get) value : ValidateMessageType The message type. The message type. IValidatable ValidateMessage