- Derived from
CxExpression abstract
An expression that refers to a local variable, parameter or member with a name identifier, while optionally providing one or more type arguments for specialization of a generic type or member:
name name<Type0, Type1, ..., TypeN>
The ICxReference.Resolved property may return the following values:
A CxDeclaration of a CxCodeUnit, when referring to the type name.
A CxItem of a CxDeclarationEnum, when referring to the enum item name.
A CxMemberProperty of a CxDeclarationType, when referring to the implicit
parameter. -
A CxParameter of a ICxParametersContainer, which is either a constructor, delegate or method parameter.
A CxTypeParameter of a ICxTypeParametersContainer, which is either a
type parameter. -
A CxVariable of a ICxVariableContainer, which is either a constant member, a field member, a for loop variable, a catch block variable, a local variable in a statement block or the indexer parameter of a property member.
A CxNamespace part for Name, if it does not resolve to anything else.
iff unresolved
ICxTypesContainer.Types returns the generic type arguments. If the argument list is empty, the name references a non-generic type or member. Otherwise, the name refers to a specialization of a generic type or member.