

abstract class Tinman.Core.Privileges.PrivilegePredicate

Derived from


Base class for IPrivilegePredicate implementations.

Public / Constants


public static readonly attribute Always → (IPrivilegePredicate)

A privilege that is always granted / never withhold.

The string representation of this privilege is "YES".


public static readonly attribute Never → (IPrivilegePredicate)

A privilege that is never granted / always withhold.

The string representation of this privilege is "NO".

Public / Constructors


public static method For → (3)

predicate in : PredicateDelegate<PrivilegeInfo>

The predicate delegate to wrap.

name opt : string = null

The human-readable name to use in the string representation. If null or empty, "?" will be used instead.

flags opt : PrivilegeFlags = PrivilegeFlags.None

The predicate flags to apply when calling predicate in.

returns → IPrivilegePredicate

The IPrivilegePredicate object that wraps predicate in.

Creates a new instance of IPrivilegePredicate that wraps the given delegate.

The string representation of this privilege is "{name/flags}".

Protected / Methods


protected method AndSimplify → (1)

other in : IPrivilegePredicate

The other predicate.

returns → IPrivilegePredicate

The simplified result or null.

Performs common simplifications for IPrivilegePredicate.And.


protected method NotSimplify → ()

returns → IPrivilegePredicate

The simplified result or null.

Performs common simplifications for IPrivilegePredicate.Not.


protected method OrSimplify → (1)

other in : IPrivilegePredicate

The other predicate.

returns → IPrivilegePredicate

The simplified result or null.

Performs common simplifications for IPrivilegePredicate.Or.