RunwayFlags Description [Flags] enum Tinman.Engine.Scenes.Shapes.RunwayFlags Enumeration of flags for building runway shapes. See also RunwayBuilder Public / Constants None public constant None → (0:int32) No runway flags. AimingPoint public constant AimingPoint → (1:int32) Use aiming point markings? Edge public constant Edge → (2:int32) Use runway edge markings? Threshold public constant Threshold → (4:int32) Use threshold markings? TouchdownZone public constant TouchdownZone → (8:int32) Use touchdown zone markings? TouchdownZoneEliminate public constant TouchdownZoneEliminate → (16:int32) Eliminate markings of TouchdownZone around runway center? All public constant All → (31:int32) All runway flags. RunwayBuilder ShapeStyle