DataGridPath Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.GUI.Components.DataGridPath Derived from IEquatable<DataGridPath> Represents a path to a row of a data model. Public / Constructors FromJson public static method FromJson → (2) value in : IJsonValue [not-null] The JSON value. pane in : IDataGridPane The pane that represents the root of the data grid path. returns → DataGridPath The data grid path or null if value in is invalid. Converts the given JSON value to a data grid path. See also DataGridPath.ToJson Public / Methods Flatten [Pure] public method Flatten → () returns → DataGridPath [ ] The flattened data grid path. Flattens this data grid path, so that Root becomes the first element and this becomes the last one. ToJson [Pure] public method ToJson → () returns → JsonValue The JSON value. Converts this data grid path to a JSON value. See also DataGridPath.FromJson Public / Attributes Model public attribute Model → (get) value : IDataModel [not-null] The data model. The data model that contains the row. Parent public attribute Parent → (get) value : DataGridPath The parent data model path or null if this is the root path. The parent data model path. Root public attribute Root → (get) value : DataGridPath [not-null] The root path. The root data model path. Row public attribute Row → (get) value : int32 [>=0] The data model row. The data model row. DataGrid DataItem