Mapping2D Description sealed class Tinman.Engine.Rendering.Util.Mapping2D → <T> Helper class for creating a two-dimensional uni-directional mapping between 32-bit integer values. Public / Constructors Mapping2D public constructor Mapping2D → (2) equals opt : EqualsDelegate<T> = null The equality delegate for mapped values. defaultValue opt : T = default(T) The default value for non-existent entries. Creates a new instance of Mapping2D. Public / Methods Any [Pure] public method Any → (1) second in : T The second value. returns → bool true if at least one first value is mapped to second in, false if there are none. Checks if there is a mapping from any first value to the given second in value. Get [Pure] public method Get → (2) firstX in : int32 X-component of the first value. firstY in : int32 Y-component of the first value. returns → T The second value or the default value if not mapped. Returns the forward mapping from the given firstX in/ firstY in value to the second value. Set public method Set → (3) firstX in : int32 [>=0] X-component of the first value to map. firstY in : int32 [>=0] Y-component of the first value to map. second in : T The second value to map. Establishes a mapping between the given firstX in/ firstY in and second in values. Public / Attributes CountX public attribute CountX → (get) value : int32 [>=0] The number of mapped values along the X-axis. The number of mapped values along the X-axis. CountY public attribute CountY → (get) value : int32 [>=0] The number of mapped values along the Y-axis. The number of mapped values along the Y-axis. Mapping1D MipmapLevelTexture